[Hero] Linus


New member
(Old timey train conductor)

Gun – Railroad spike launcher: 8 Ammo, 1.4 Rate of Fire, 53 Bullet Damage, 2.1 Reload Time.
Melee – Coal Shovel.

VIP Line:
Creates a zipline right above you, which quickly connects to the nearest other zipline. Lasts 15s.
5s CD, 45s Charge Replenish Time.
LvL 1: +1 Charge.
LvL 2: +15s Zipline duration.
LvL 5: -50% Zipline speed boost CD.

Fear in the Headlights: Shine a powerful 60 long meter cone of light in the direction you're facing for 5s. The beam reveals the outline of enemies behind walls, and it blinds enemies directly in the beam, increasing their bullet spread. Spread penalty increases the closer the enemy is to you.
18s CD.
LvL 1: +70 Max beam DPS.
LvL 2: +30 Beam range.
LvL 5: +30% Max beam MS slow.

Spike Driver: (Passive) Your bullets can penetrate walls, but they suffer 8x the damage fall off while traveling through them.
LvL 1: Activate to fire up to 4 spikes horizontally (Consumes ammo, 6s CD)
LvL 2: -3x Damage fall off multiplier.
LvL 5: +50% Headshot damage.

Bullet Train: Blow your whistle, causing a train to come barreling down the target zipline 2s later. The train travels at 150% zipline speed for 4s, knocking down enemies it hits, stunning them for 1.5s, and dealing 175 +15% of the distance it's traveled as damage. Allies can grab onto the train like a normal zipline, even if they've taken damage recently (They can still be knocked off it normally) If the train comes upon a fork in the line, pressing left/right before the turn takes that path.
30 Meter Range, 100s CD.
LvL 1: +25% Train speed.
LvL 2: +2s Duration.
LvL 5: Train carries 4 lane creeps.