Weapon - Flute that shoots snakes. Fire rate similiar to Kelvin's, Snakes will curve slightly (up to 5 degrees) toward enemy. Receives fire rate boost with spirit.
Ability 1 - Snake Oil
Throws a flask of snake oil, that'll mark enemies hit in specific area (~4 meters radius?). Enemies marked by snake oil, will drop extra 50% souls if they die during it's duration.
Cooldown - 22 seconds
Duration - 7 seconds
Extra souls - 50%
T1 - Snake Oil deals 70 damage upon hit (+ Spirit scaling, 0.1 damage per Spirit)
T2 - Enemies marked by Snake Oil receive 30% movement slow
T3 - Duration +10 seconds
Ability 2 - Share a drink
Snake Charmer throws a bottle of arabian wine to an ally. It heals 195 hp over the duration of 3 seconds. Ally cannot shoot when drinking. Healing can be prevented by shooting. Can be self cast for 60% of the healing.
Duration - 3 seconds (Scales with spirit, 1 second every 30 spirit)
Cooldown - 30 seconds
Healing - 65 hp/sec
T1 - +35 hp/sec (totals in 300 HP, 100hp/sec)
T2 - When drinking and for 3 seconds after sucessful heal/1 second after interruption, target receives +35% bullet and spirit resist (sucessful heal means that no damage was taken)
T3 - Healing now scales with spirit (+1HP/sec per 1 spirit)
Ability 3 - "Snake Dance"
Aims and throw an urn/vase. Wherever the urn landed, an urn object spawns. From that urn snake charmer's music can be heared, and giant snake slowly starts dancing toward the sky (just emerges from the urn, going up over time, wiggling a bit). Snake can be climbed on just like rope.
Cooldown - 45 seconds
Duration - 15 seconds
T1 - When climbing the snake, Snake Charmer and his allies receive +15% fire rate, +15% bullet and spirit resistance. After jumping off the rope, they get speed movement boost for 4 seconds.
(Rope is stationary and makes you easy target. Snake can protect you though.)
T2 - Duration +10 seconds
T3 - Urn can be thrown at the wall, to create horizontal snake. It'll act as zipline, that can be used only by allies, at any time. It's 20% slower than real zipline
("at any time" means, you won't get dropped of it by enemy shooting at you, and you can ride it even if you've taken damage recently)
Ability 4 - Anakonda
For the duration of the ultimate, snake charmer shoots giant Anakondas instead of his snakes.
Anakondas disarm + silence hit players (for 5 seconds) and disables active items - except movement items (warp stone/majestic leap) and debuffimmunity-related items (unstoppable, debuff remover). Getting his again, when the ultimate is active, will refresh the duration.
Visual mark of being hit by Anakonda is giant snake attempting to strangle you.
Duration - 10 seconds
Cooldown - 160 seconds
Anakonda duration - 5 seconds
T1 - Anakondas now attempt to strangle your opponent (+3% Max HP/second DoT, non lethal)
T2 - Anakondas now attempt to grab your enemies (the "homing" effect of snakes gets increased, allowing to curve up to 60 degrees)
T3 - Cooldown -40 seconds
Summary of abilities design:
Snake + Arabian Nights snake charmer that uses snakes to support his team.
His 1 allows team to enjoy Vindicta's ultimate benefits on their own, scaling with time, offering little reward early game, then allowing your team to get great advantage in late game.
His 2 being a "castable" version of healing rite over lower duration makes it strong ability early game, but compared to Dynamo's and McGunnis 5% max HP/sec, it falls down late game. It's very strong in the early game, opposing his 1, allows easier line push and taking advantage of the healing to support the ally.
His 3 might be pretty boring ability, but could be used to help allies escape difficult situation, or get between lanes faster. Also useful for things like Vindicta's sniping. It could also be set to help with urn delivery (like Ivy's taxi service)
And his ultimate might look "too strong", but it's something like Haze's ultimate with silencer, except you don't deal high damage. It's group utility, forcing enemy team to either retreat or die.
Character is lacking damage abilities, offering mostly support role.
Ability 1 - Snake Oil
Throws a flask of snake oil, that'll mark enemies hit in specific area (~4 meters radius?). Enemies marked by snake oil, will drop extra 50% souls if they die during it's duration.
Cooldown - 22 seconds
Duration - 7 seconds
Extra souls - 50%
T1 - Snake Oil deals 70 damage upon hit (+ Spirit scaling, 0.1 damage per Spirit)
T2 - Enemies marked by Snake Oil receive 30% movement slow
T3 - Duration +10 seconds
Ability 2 - Share a drink
Snake Charmer throws a bottle of arabian wine to an ally. It heals 195 hp over the duration of 3 seconds. Ally cannot shoot when drinking. Healing can be prevented by shooting. Can be self cast for 60% of the healing.
Duration - 3 seconds (Scales with spirit, 1 second every 30 spirit)
Cooldown - 30 seconds
Healing - 65 hp/sec
T1 - +35 hp/sec (totals in 300 HP, 100hp/sec)
T2 - When drinking and for 3 seconds after sucessful heal/1 second after interruption, target receives +35% bullet and spirit resist (sucessful heal means that no damage was taken)
T3 - Healing now scales with spirit (+1HP/sec per 1 spirit)
Ability 3 - "Snake Dance"
Aims and throw an urn/vase. Wherever the urn landed, an urn object spawns. From that urn snake charmer's music can be heared, and giant snake slowly starts dancing toward the sky (just emerges from the urn, going up over time, wiggling a bit). Snake can be climbed on just like rope.
Cooldown - 45 seconds
Duration - 15 seconds
T1 - When climbing the snake, Snake Charmer and his allies receive +15% fire rate, +15% bullet and spirit resistance. After jumping off the rope, they get speed movement boost for 4 seconds.
(Rope is stationary and makes you easy target. Snake can protect you though.)
T2 - Duration +10 seconds
T3 - Urn can be thrown at the wall, to create horizontal snake. It'll act as zipline, that can be used only by allies, at any time. It's 20% slower than real zipline
("at any time" means, you won't get dropped of it by enemy shooting at you, and you can ride it even if you've taken damage recently)
Ability 4 - Anakonda
For the duration of the ultimate, snake charmer shoots giant Anakondas instead of his snakes.
Anakondas disarm + silence hit players (for 5 seconds) and disables active items - except movement items (warp stone/majestic leap) and debuffimmunity-related items (unstoppable, debuff remover). Getting his again, when the ultimate is active, will refresh the duration.
Visual mark of being hit by Anakonda is giant snake attempting to strangle you.
Duration - 10 seconds
Cooldown - 160 seconds
Anakonda duration - 5 seconds
T1 - Anakondas now attempt to strangle your opponent (+3% Max HP/second DoT, non lethal)
T2 - Anakondas now attempt to grab your enemies (the "homing" effect of snakes gets increased, allowing to curve up to 60 degrees)
T3 - Cooldown -40 seconds
Summary of abilities design:
Snake + Arabian Nights snake charmer that uses snakes to support his team.
His 1 allows team to enjoy Vindicta's ultimate benefits on their own, scaling with time, offering little reward early game, then allowing your team to get great advantage in late game.
His 2 being a "castable" version of healing rite over lower duration makes it strong ability early game, but compared to Dynamo's and McGunnis 5% max HP/sec, it falls down late game. It's very strong in the early game, opposing his 1, allows easier line push and taking advantage of the healing to support the ally.
His 3 might be pretty boring ability, but could be used to help allies escape difficult situation, or get between lanes faster. Also useful for things like Vindicta's sniping. It could also be set to help with urn delivery (like Ivy's taxi service)
And his ultimate might look "too strong", but it's something like Haze's ultimate with silencer, except you don't deal high damage. It's group utility, forcing enemy team to either retreat or die.
Character is lacking damage abilities, offering mostly support role.