Hero Idea: Rune Based Scientist

Panda AriMatch

New member
Character Visual: looks like a tall skinny guy with a robotic right arm with a white suit and tie maybe some grease over the coat and spirit runes over the arm, a satchel sitting on their waist and a small backpack with a little robot inside and other tools they might use (they don't need to be human, but not a robot?)

Basic Attack: Its a beam of light based attack but uses a heat based mechanic that scales on ammo increases with a slower overall reload speed compared to other characters
Visual:The weapon would look like a modified pistol that would fit with the style of the game.

Ability 1: (Little Robot) throws out a little robot they that targets the closest enemy in range running at them and dealing 80 spirit damage in a 5m radius
(they explode after 5 seconds or when they reach their target, with a small audio cue and a 0.5 delay)
Upgrade 1: +1 charge
Upgrade 2: Speed of the robot increases and now silences the targets in radius for 2 second
Upgrade 3: increase blast radius by 5m and increase damage by 40
Visual: looks like a robot dog with runes on its head? and the character says something like "fetch!" after throwing them out.

Ability 2: (Augment) which would target self or ally and grant a regular benefit of +10 weapon damage increase and spirit power (lasts for 10s?)
Upgrade 1: would give a 100 bullet shield and spirit shield [AP 5 allows the shields to scale with spirit power]
Upgrade 2: Grants the Target +2 movement speed and heals the target 200 hp
Upgrade 3: Augment now effects the caster and the target chosen and adds an additional 10 weapon damage and 10 spirit power
Visual: Looks like a syringe gun shot with their left arm or shooting a syringe an opening from the right arms palm

Ability 3: (Electric Webs) Throws down and aoe that slows down enemies in the area 30% Slow and lingers for 8 seconds in a 5m radius
Upgrade 1: Increase radius by +3m
Upgrade 2: Allies in the radius gain a 20% fire-rate increase
Upgrade 3: Stuns enemies in radius for 0.25 seconds per second they are in the radius dealing 60 spirit damage each time
Visual: looks like he throws out a net that then light up with electricity when its on the ground

Ability 4 (Runic Teleportation) Begins using runic incantation to draw a runic circle around themselves in a 6m radius and after casting for 4 seconds he and any allies within the radius teleport to the location on the map he has selected (withing range... maybe 250m? ) any enemies within 15m of the exit area would take 150 spirit damage (there would be a visual 1-2 seconds before they teleport of where they are going to appear) [200 second cool down]
Upgrade 1: Grant 300 bullet shield and spirit shield
Upgrade 2: Increase cast range by 250m
Upgrade 3: Enemies in radius are rooted for 2 seconds and allies are healed for 10% of their max hp, spirit damage increase by 100

Ps. This was my first time making something like this and I hope the concept I made is interesting enough, though I don't know if I have crafted something that would fit the game or be fun to play and play against, any sugesstion that would make this concept better please dont be afraid to tell me!
Hi! Cool Ideas! I want to clarify one moment about his ultimate:

Can enemies see the teleport area on the Map or it would be highlighted area?

It looks like a very fun utility support character.
Hi! Cool Ideas! I want to clarify one moment about his ultimate:

Can enemies see the teleport area on the Map or it would be highlighted area?

It looks like a very fun utility support character.
I think it would be both, it would ping the map and there would be a visual on the surrounding area of where the characters teleportation would arrive
After Playing more matches and getting a feel of the map i think the ult range might be too much, so reducing it to a base range to 150 meters and upgrade 2 being changed to +100 range and -30 cd might be better.

Also a after playing beebop and dynamo I think the pistol would work similar to dynamo's attacks but with a faster projectile, but will still have the heat mechanic, but the ammo capacity around the amount of dynamo as well but with a faster fire rate and a lower base damage

I'm thinking the the stats of the weapon would something like this (or weaker?):

Dps: 60
Bullet Damage: 12
Ammo: 20 (equivalent)
Bullets per second: 5
Heat mechanic: when not firing the weapon for 3 seconds regenerate ammo equivalent 4 per second or when manually reloading (while not at max heat [empty]) it will reload at the default rate of everyone else
when using up the all of it's ammo equivalent it takes 20% longer to reload (from a 5 second reload to 6's)

Notes: I'm assuming the default reload rate is 5 seconds

Vitality Stats: I'm thinking this character would have stats around this

Max health: 550 | Health Regen: 2
Bullet Resist: 5% | Spirit Resist 5%
Move Speed: 6 m/s | Sprint Speed: 1 m/s
Stamina: 2

Fun idea: have their melee damage scale with spirit while having a lower base total like 60 light 110 heavy but scales at like x0.5 spirit
ps. any suggestion's that would make this concept better please don't be afraid to tell me!
I was more hoping for him to look nerdy
I didn't commission any art for the character idea, but I would also think the character would look nerdy with like glasses or just shy in general though maybe the nerd type where they are super excited about the subject they enjoy which would be runes.

Like i have a drawing tablet and a program i could use to make art, but I am so out of practice that i have return to near stick figure levels of drawing skills but given some time if you would like i could try to draw something!

Any ideas for how they would look would be great!
I decided to do a weapon design and because I'm not confident in my ability to draw anymore, I will probably redesign it the future.
But to explain this design its Norse rune themed with it having the kenaz rune for heat in the back, which not only augments the next sets of runes which spell "laser," but also release heat when the weapon is "recharging." Additionally put a crow feather key charm on the bottom of the laser pistol.

My color scheme was supposed to convey be the weapon is made of stone with runes etched into the stone, and everything was added to the stone to make a weapon. Lastly, Yes i did not shade anything or make it 2.5d as this is a concept more than anything and as stated before i am no longer confident in my ability to draw, but i will still do the best i currently can.

ps. let me know if I should keep drawing and trying out new designs for the weapon or abilities for the character and i will post them here though don't except me to make anything as good as the extremely talented artists are here. Also fair warning if the runes that are supposed to spell laser don't mean laser i'm sorry.

weapon-design 1.PNG
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Still Trying to figure out a design that would fit the character best, any ideas would be great

My ideas right now are, a Norse 'themed' scientist or a regular scientist finding out about the occult and combining science and runes