New member
Mystalis excels at taking their enemies' spirit power and turning it against them in devastating ways. Their abilities allows for both high damage against opponents as well as utility for their allies. With no strong mobility abilities, Mystalis must rely on strong positioning and items in order to find the space to utilize their abilities.
Haven't thought much about the gun stats, but I think base 0 resistances for bullet and spirit is what I imagined. Mystalis would also be a 2 stamina hero.
Ability 1 - Astral Insanity
Target a single enemy, turning them immovable, intangible/invulnerable and temporarily stealing spirit power. Stealing spirit power can stack on a single enemy. When enemies emerge from the invulnerability, they take spirit damage. Can target allies, which will not steal spirit power or deal damage to them
(This ability cannot make enemies go negative on spirit power)
Ability Range - 20 meters
Damage - 85, 1.0 spirit scaling
Cooldown - 20 seconds
Invulnerability Duration - 2.5 seconds
Spirit Power Steal - 10
Spirit Power Steal Duration - 60 seconds
T1 Upgrade: +30 second spirit power steal duration
T2 Upgrade: -10 second cooldown
T3 Upgrade: +5 spirit power steal
Ability 2 - Astral Orb
Passive. Every 10th bullet hit on a target deals bonus spirit damage. Bullet count cooldown doesn't decrease if bullet doesn't hit a target.
Damage - 20, 0.4 spirit scaling
Cooldown - 10 bullets hit
T1 Upgrade: +10 spirit damage
T2 Upgrade: +0.25 spirit scaling
T3 Upgrade: -2 bullets hit to cooldown
Ability 3 - Ascendancy
Target either self or allies. Temporarily multiples spirit scaling of all target's abilities and provides bonus movement speed.
Spirit scaling multiple on ally/self - x1.5
Bonus Movement Speed - 1.2 (0.02 spirit scaling)
Ability Range - 10 meters (if casting on ally)
Cooldown - 45 seconds
Duration - 5 seconds
T1 Upgrade: -10 second cooldown
T2 Upgrade: +3 second duration
T3 Upgrade: Spirit scaling multiple on ally/self x2.0
Ability 4 - Astral Eclipse
Target an area. All enemies caught in the area take spirit damage based on the difference between Mystalis and their spirit power. Can hit enemies even in Astral Insanity invulnerability. Minimum damage dealt is zero (either the enemy has more or equal spirit power to Mystalis).
Area Size - 10 meters wide
Cast Range - 25 meters, looking straight ahead (can angle like geist bomb)
Cooldown - 120 seconds
Spirit Difference Damage Multiplier - 8 (no spirit scaling)
T1 Upgrade: +5 meters radius
T2 Upgrade: +2 spirit damage difference multiplier
T3 Upgrade: Automatically cast Astral Insanity on all enemies prior to dealing damage.
(Example calculation: Mystalis has 40 spirit power, and no upgrades in Astral Eclipse. Hero A has 20 spirit power. Hero B has 35 spirit power. Mystalis casts Astral Eclipse on both of them, catching them both in the AOE. Hero A takes (40 - 20) * 8 = 160spirit damage. Hero B takes (40 - 35) * 8 = 40 spirit damage)
Mystalis, an astral, almost formless mythical entity emerged from the spacetime rift in Central Park. Forged at the beginning of time, Mystalis has no desire other than to return the universe to disorder. A walking manifestation of entropy. Yet, Mystalis cannot help but be allured mortal curiosities of Earth, and especially New York. Walking beneath the trees of Central Park. Amidst the bustle of the street and industries. The chaos of it all tugged at something deep within them; a purpose more than to simply just decay. However, one curiosity allures them more than any other they have encountered so far: summoning the Patron into this world.
Haven't thought much about the gun stats, but I think base 0 resistances for bullet and spirit is what I imagined. Mystalis would also be a 2 stamina hero.
Ability 1 - Astral Insanity
Target a single enemy, turning them immovable, intangible/invulnerable and temporarily stealing spirit power. Stealing spirit power can stack on a single enemy. When enemies emerge from the invulnerability, they take spirit damage. Can target allies, which will not steal spirit power or deal damage to them
(This ability cannot make enemies go negative on spirit power)
Ability Range - 20 meters
Damage - 85, 1.0 spirit scaling
Cooldown - 20 seconds
Invulnerability Duration - 2.5 seconds
Spirit Power Steal - 10
Spirit Power Steal Duration - 60 seconds
T1 Upgrade: +30 second spirit power steal duration
T2 Upgrade: -10 second cooldown
T3 Upgrade: +5 spirit power steal
Ability 2 - Astral Orb
Passive. Every 10th bullet hit on a target deals bonus spirit damage. Bullet count cooldown doesn't decrease if bullet doesn't hit a target.
Damage - 20, 0.4 spirit scaling
Cooldown - 10 bullets hit
T1 Upgrade: +10 spirit damage
T2 Upgrade: +0.25 spirit scaling
T3 Upgrade: -2 bullets hit to cooldown
Ability 3 - Ascendancy
Target either self or allies. Temporarily multiples spirit scaling of all target's abilities and provides bonus movement speed.
Spirit scaling multiple on ally/self - x1.5
Bonus Movement Speed - 1.2 (0.02 spirit scaling)
Ability Range - 10 meters (if casting on ally)
Cooldown - 45 seconds
Duration - 5 seconds
T1 Upgrade: -10 second cooldown
T2 Upgrade: +3 second duration
T3 Upgrade: Spirit scaling multiple on ally/self x2.0
Ability 4 - Astral Eclipse
Target an area. All enemies caught in the area take spirit damage based on the difference between Mystalis and their spirit power. Can hit enemies even in Astral Insanity invulnerability. Minimum damage dealt is zero (either the enemy has more or equal spirit power to Mystalis).
Area Size - 10 meters wide
Cast Range - 25 meters, looking straight ahead (can angle like geist bomb)
Cooldown - 120 seconds
Spirit Difference Damage Multiplier - 8 (no spirit scaling)
T1 Upgrade: +5 meters radius
T2 Upgrade: +2 spirit damage difference multiplier
T3 Upgrade: Automatically cast Astral Insanity on all enemies prior to dealing damage.
(Example calculation: Mystalis has 40 spirit power, and no upgrades in Astral Eclipse. Hero A has 20 spirit power. Hero B has 35 spirit power. Mystalis casts Astral Eclipse on both of them, catching them both in the AOE. Hero A takes (40 - 20) * 8 = 160spirit damage. Hero B takes (40 - 35) * 8 = 40 spirit damage)
Mystalis, an astral, almost formless mythical entity emerged from the spacetime rift in Central Park. Forged at the beginning of time, Mystalis has no desire other than to return the universe to disorder. A walking manifestation of entropy. Yet, Mystalis cannot help but be allured mortal curiosities of Earth, and especially New York. Walking beneath the trees of Central Park. Amidst the bustle of the street and industries. The chaos of it all tugged at something deep within them; a purpose more than to simply just decay. However, one curiosity allures them more than any other they have encountered so far: summoning the Patron into this world.
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