Hero Idea: Darius


Just like Mcginnis, this character is focused on turrets, but unlike Mcginnis, his turrets cause ballistic damage.

Name: Darius
Base Stats:
Max Health: 550
Health Regeneration: 2
Ballistic Resistance: 25%
Spiritual Resistance: 0%
Movement Speed: 6.5m/s
Stamina: 2

Primary Attack (M1):
Damage: 15
Fire Rate: 6 bullets per second (0.006x)⛦
Ammo: 56 bullets (0.5x)⛦

Ability 1 – Ballistic Turret
Deploys a turret that fires high-velocity bullets and deals ballistic damage to enemies. Turrets activate item effects to deal damage. Each turret has 30% of the Darius maximum health and 60% of its ballistic resistance.
Turret Damage: 70 DPS (Ballistic Damage)
Attack Range: 35m
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1 AP: +1 charge and applies a 25% movement speed reduction to enemies hit for 2 seconds.
2 AP: +15% attack speed.
5 AP: +35 damage per second.

Skill 2 – Incendiary Grenade
Darius launches an incendiary grenade at a target area, dealing damage on impact and setting the ground ablaze, dealing damage per second (DoT) to enemies in the area. Enemies remain burning for 3 seconds after leaving the area.
Damage on impact: 100 (1.6x)⛦
Damage per second (area): 5% current life.
Radius: 6m
Flame duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 24 seconds
1 AP: Burned enemies take 20% more damage from turrets and A.G.R.
2 AP: Increases the radius of the flames by +3m.
5 AP: Burning enemies have their healing reduced by 50%

Skill 3 – Ballistic Forcefield
Darius creates a forcefield that blocks enemy fire from outside, protecting all allies within the area. Enemies within the area are slowed by 50%.
Area of Effect (AoE): 10 meter radius around Darius.
Duration: 6 seconds (0.1x)⛦
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1 AP: +35% fire rate for all allies within the field.
2 AP: +5m radius and -8s cooldown.
5 AP: Allies within the field gain +50% lifesteal.

Skill 4 - A.G.R
Darius summons a A.G.R that follows him for a period of time, firing at enemies that Darius targets or that are within detection radius. The A.G.R activates items. A.G.R has 125% of Darius's maximum health, 115% of his movement speed, and 100% of his resistance.
Duration: 15 seconds
Damage: 125 Ballistic DPS
Cooldown: 104 seconds
A.G.R firing range: 30 meters
1 AP: +5 seconds duration and +15m range.
2 AP: -44s cooldown.
5 AP: 20% chance to fire a rocket that deals 200 spiritual damage in a 4m radius. (1.25x)⛦
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Bonus information:

Scaling: The ballistic damage of the A.G.R and Turrets will scale with a percentage of your bonus ballistic damage, for example 0.5x, if you have 100% bonus ballistic damage the turret will do 50% more damage, so it will be 70 (base damage of the turret) + (100% (your bonus ballistic damage) x 0.5 (scaling)) = 105.
Note: These numbers are just for example, they are not the real numbers of the abilities.

Ballistic Turret can be placed on the floor or on walls.

A.G.R (Armored Ground Robot), to prevent it from getting in your way, entering your character's body for example, it will maintain a distance of 3m.
If you die while A.G.R. is active, it will remain standing still and shoot enemies within its range until the duration ends or you enter its range again.
If you use a teleporter on the map, A.G.R. will be teleported along with you.
If you use a zipline, A.G.R. will follow you on the ground and since its movement speed is based on yours, it will receive the movement speed bonus from the zipline. The same goes for the urn or any other speed bonus effect.
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Movement: You can move the A.G.R using the "ping" system with the middle mouse button (M3, Scroll). Pinging an enemy will make it follow the enemy, but you have to be within its range. If you reach the distance limit, it will follow you again to stay within its range. For example, its range is 35m. If you tell it to follow an enemy and the enemy is more than 35m away from you, the A.G.R will only go up to the maximum distance of 35m. If you walk in the opposite direction, the A.G.R will walk towards you to stay within the 35m range. However, it will continue shooting while walking if there are enemies within range.

Target priority: The A.G.R's priority is the target you are currently shooting at. Unless you ping another target, it will give priority to the target that was pinged. To remove the priority, simply ping it again. It will always give priority to the last ping. Pinging an ally will make A.G.R follow that ally and shoot at the same targets that the pinged ally is shooting at, if you die and have an ally in range A.G.R will start following that ally.
If you make the A.G.R follow an ally, the ally will be able to control the A.G.R in the same way as you, but you will lose control of the A.G.R and will only be able to control it again if the ally who is in control passes control back to you (he can also pass it to another ally). While another ally is in control, you can leave the A.G.R's area and it will continue to follow the ally who is in control. Another way to regain control is if the ally dies and you enter the A.G.R's area, but other allies can also do this, giving priority to whoever entered the area first. If the A.G.R's duration ends, it will obviously return to you and you can use it again.

Balancing the ballistic force field:
1. If the field receives the equivalent of 75% of your maximum health, it will break, but you will keep the buffs it grants for another 3 seconds after it is broken. The same goes for if you leave its area.

2. Enemies within the force field area are no longer slowed by 50% instead their fire rate is reduced by 35% but ends immediately after exiting the force field area.

Note: The force field is only ballistic, that is, it only works against shots, it does not work against abilities.
Alteration: Ballistic Turret
5 AP: +30 damage per second and every 5 seconds launches a rocket that deals 35 spiritual damage in a 4m radius. (1.25x)⛦

Alteration: Incendiary Grenade
Radius: 6m (0.05x)⛦
Flame duration: 5 seconds (0.02x)⛦
2 AP: 15% lifesteal against burning victims.
5 AP: Enemies on fire have their healing reduced by 40%

Alteration: AGR
Range: 40m
I really like McGinnis and he is my main character, the gameplay of placing turrets is fun, I laugh my head off when I fill a space with turrets and attract enemies there and see them being shot to death by the turrets, I love this style of play but Deadlock needs more characters with turret abilities, McGinnis is a support so the idea of Darius is to be a turret character like McGinnis but he will be a DPS instead of a support, adding an option for those who like the gameplay of placing turrets but prefer to be DPS instead of support, I for example, much prefer to be DPS, I don't like support, I like to play alone, and you can play McGinnis as a DPS but the character was made for support, with healing abilities, wall, stuns and although I like McGinnis I wanted a new character with turrets but focused on causing damage, Darius has a lot to add to the game, those who like McGinnis would definitely love playing Darius. and in deadlock we have 2 character variations for practically all the characters in the game except for McGinnis for example: Haze-Infernus, Vindicta-Gray Talon, Dynamo-Mo and Kill, they are characters that are practically a variation of each other, McGinnis is the only one that doesn't have a variant, and Darius would be that variant.
Ability 2 – Incendiary Grenade
Nerf: Damage on impact 100 -> 35, (1.6x)⛦ -> (0.8x)⛦

Damage per second (area): 5% current life -> 3% max life.
5 AP: Enemies on fire have their healing reduced by 40% and +3% max life damage per second.