Hero Idea: Blaze


Active member
Primary Weapon (M1): Flamethrower
Fires a continuous stream of fire, dealing area damage.

DPS: 89
Ballistic Damage: 7.15, +0.5 per blessing.
Bullets per second: 12.5
Range: 16m, +2m per blessing
Attack Cone: 35°
Ammo: 66, Scale x0.5 with spiritual power

Max Health: 600, +41 per blessing
Health Regeneration: 3
Ballistic Resistance: 10%
Spiritual Resistance: 0%, +1% per blessing
Movement Speed: 7.0 m/s
Stamina: 3

Skill 1: Infernal Turret
Deploys a turret that launches flames in a frontal cone, dealing continuous damage.

Damage: 60 DPS, Scale x0.5 with spiritual power
Range: 15m
Tower Health: 150 HP +20 per blessing
Duration: 24 seconds.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.

Skill Points:
1AP: +1 Charge and +5m range
2AP: Reduces healing of enemies hit by 30%
5AP: +60 DPS

Skill 2: Fire Mine
Places a fire mine on the ground that explodes when triggered by enemies. The explosion creates a pool of fire that lasts for 5 seconds, dealing continuous damage.

Explosion Damage: 120, Scale x0.8 with spiritual power
Fire Pool Damage: 35 DPS, Scale x0.4 with spiritual power
Explosion Radius: 7m
Cooldown: 24 seconds.

Skill Points:
1AP: +2m
2AP: +60 explosion damage and +15 dps from fire pool
5AP: Enemies hit by the explosion are stunned for 1s

Skill 3: Ignite (Passive)
Flamethrower attacks ignite enemies, applying a burning effect that deals spiritual damage over time. This effect stacks with continuous attacks.

Spiritual Damage: 10 DPS, scales x0.2 with spiritual power.
Burn Duration: 3 seconds (resets with each new hit).
Max Stacks: 3, each stack increases damage cumulatively, a new stack can only be applied every 1.5 seconds per enemy.

Skill Points:
1AP: +1s burning duration
2AP: Burning victims have their healing reduced by 30%
5AP: +10 DPS

Skill 4: Searing Detonation
Causes a fiery explosion around you. Enemies within the radius take heavy spiritual damage. Grants 5 permanent spiritual power per enemy hero killed by Searing Detonation.

Damage: 250, Scales x1.0 with spiritual power.
Explosion radius: 12m
Detonation delay: 2s
Cooldown: 127s

Skill Points:
1AP: +4m radius
2AP: -47s cooldown
5AP: +120 damage.