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They called him the pool shark of the lower east side, after the maelstrom that become a bit more literal.
Weapon: an explosive billiard ball launcher [functions similar to Junkrat's gun, but with a straighter arc]

Ability 1: Bank shot [multiple charges]
Charge up a massive empowered billiard ball that applies a knockback and remains on the ground doing damage. His kit revolves around using these balls. A trajectory is shown while charging.

Hitting a previously fired bank shot causes the second ball to home towards enemies in its path and explode on impact.

Ability 2: Backpocket
Create a pocket in space-time that roots enemies that enter it. Knocking enemies into backpocket with bankshot also stuns them.

Ability 3: Break shot
Target an active billiard ball to create an explosion and impulse at it's location, any other balls knocked up by breakshot will explode on impacting enemies.

Ult: Magic 8 balls:
Empty a burst of 8 balls from your gun, hitting one enemy with at least 4 will cause any nearby active balls to home towards them, exploding on impact.

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