[Hero concept] Billi, the pool shark who loves to play with his balls + art


Active member
They called him the pool shark of the lower east side, after the maelstrom that become a bit more literal.

Weapon: an explosive billiard ball launcher [functions similar to Junkrat's gun, but with a straighter arc]

Ability 1: Bank shot [multiple charges]
Charge up a massive empowered billiard ball that applies a knockback and remains on the ground doing damage. His kit revolves around using these balls. A trajectory is shown while charging.
Hitting a previously fired bank shot causes the second ball to home towards enemies in its path and explode on impact.

Ability 2: Backpocket
Create a pocket in space-time that roots enemies that enter it. Knocking enemies into backpocket with bankshot also stuns them.

Ability 3: Break shot
Target an active billiard ball to create an explosion and impulse at it's location, any other balls knocked up by breakshot will explode on impacting enemies.

Ult: Magic 8 balls:
Empty a burst of 8 balls from your gun, hitting one enemy with at least 4 will cause any nearby active balls to home towards them, exploding on impact.
poolsharkability copy.png
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Very high effort. Thematically suits the game perfectly.

My problem with this kit design is that it is much too synergetic. The abilities only work when used in conjunction with another. This creates what I refer to as the "Pocket effect" - the abilities are weak on their own, but powerful when used together. This makes the character more one dimensional than is necessary. I like having abilities push heroes into a certain playstyle, but not just repeating the same trick over and over.
I think richocheting balls sounds like a fun idea, but I fear the many dimensions in the map is going to hinder proper use of billiard balls. The design behind bank shot needs to be refined, so it can work with ramps and stairs.

The abilities are weak on their own, but powerful when used together.
As pointed out, break shot essentially does nothing if you haven't picked up bank shot yet.

Other than that, I love the hero.
Very high effort. Thematically suits the game perfectly.

My problem with this kit design is that it is much too synergetic. The abilities only work when used in conjunction with another. This creates what I refer to as the "Pocket effect" - the abilities are weak on their own, but powerful when used together. This makes the character more one dimensional than is necessary. I like having abilities push heroes into a certain playstyle, but not just repeating the same trick over and over.
Hes Definitely gimmicky, but I don't think a character having one shtick that they play around is necessarily a bad thing, some of my favorite moba characters are like this, Eg Zoe from League.

I also took inspiration from Syndra who is all about controlling the battlefield with orbs, I was hoping that constantly trying to hit sick bank shots would offer an addictive gameplay loop.
I think richocheting balls sounds like a fun idea, but I fear the many dimensions in the map is going to hinder proper use of billiard balls. The design behind bank shot needs to be refined, so it can work with ramps and stairs.

As pointed out, break shot essentially does nothing if you haven't picked up bank shot yet.

Other than that, I love the hero.
So the bank shot isn't locked to the ground by default you can shoot it in any direction, but yes his abilities are less effective vertically, which is why I added break shot, so that he can use it to give himself an impulse and create a big explosion.

Not giving him a passive on breakshot was a total oversight. Hm, maybe his heavy melee is him biting people and gaining some hp.
Not giving him a passive on breakshot was a total oversight. Hm, maybe his heavy melee is him biting people and gaining some hp.
Or turn breakshot into a tier 3 upgrade for bank shot and come up with a new third ability. I think heroes who like to combo their abilities a lot, should have a "wildcard" ability that can be used independantly of the core kit. Think of Bebop's hyper beam which can be used at any given time, regardless of whether he has landed a hook, or upcutted someone. Paradox's time bomb is also solid, not needing any setup from any other abilities.

Think of an ability that works well with and without the billiard balls.
Very high effort. Thematically suits the game perfectly.

My problem with this kit design is that it is much too synergetic. The abilities only work when used in conjunction with another. This creates what I refer to as the "Pocket effect" - the abilities are weak on their own, but powerful when used together. This makes the character more one dimensional than is necessary. I like having abilities push heroes into a certain playstyle, but not just repeating the same trick over and over.
Pretty sure these are AI-generated image if you're talking high effort on that. The gun design aren't even consistent or making any sense.
Ability wise, agreed that 3 needs to be able to be used on their own and more usage on the shark trait. Right now its all just pool based. Use the tail to hit the balls and doubles as melee or something
an actual pool shark? peak. it'd be hilarious if his balls never despawned and the whole map acted like his pool table.
I've read this after you posted it in another thread. I'm genuinely impressed.
yea i originally thought op was a fckin idiot, but now i get where they're coming from. i understand the concept of wanting a hard character that punishes mistakes but praises perfection.