Gun Melee "Brawler's fists"

Will suggest an idea.
>Only a Tier3 Gun Item
>+25% Melee Resist
>+1m/s Move Speed
>+10% Ammo
>+15% Faster Melee Animation (includes charge)
>+15% Bonus Melee Damage

Upon starting combat, landing 25% of your current Ammo Pool in the form of hits (meaning one bullet in a spread will count as a hit, synergises also with ricochet) onto a player will cause them to be marked until they are out of combat. Landing 2 light melee hits (including abilities) into one final heavy (also including abilities, like Viscious punch) will cause a one-second stun. 15s cooldown per unique target.

The mark will make a sound of a dinging boxing bell sound effect, indicating a TF2 style Punch icon above the marked player, that can be heard locally by anyone.

I think this item will have a big use case. And it can fuse the gap between melee builds and gun build as well, as well as to counter players who stack defenses. It works quite well if fused with invisibility items, mobility items, etc. It really is a good candidate for addition.

The item icon will be a spiked knuckled fingerless glove being put on.
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For clarity:
>The 2 light into heavy only works on marked targets.
>Whether you land all your bullets in a given shot, or just one, it counts at maximum one shot.
>You can apply multiple shots to multiple targets, depending on if the bullet ricochets, or the shot has multiple bullets, and the spread hit multiple targets.
I have an interesting amendment. Perhaps if 75% of shots land of a clip within combat (does not have to be in the same reload, just so long still in combat), the next heavy punch they recieve will be a stun? I think that would be more fair. Perhaps you could tone down melee resist, and completely remove the faster melee animation. How does that sound? It sounds like my item could have ended up with a scenario where you can just have people just assassinating someone via punches when knocked down.
What about toxic bullets/silencer build up? Build up that "K-O"? So instead of just a hit, it's just based on how toxic bullets/silencer builds up? Tuning down melee resist, and completely gutting melee animation.