Grasping Tendrils


New member
6500 spirit item
Uses Bullet Resist Shredder as a component so 7700 total cost.

+200 bonus health
+10 spirit power

Shadowy Tendrils expand from your target, pulling every one of their allies within a 15m radius to them after a 1 second delay (long enough to be rolled away from, but only with proper positioning and reaction time). Deals 100 damage and applies -15% bullet resistance for 8 seconds and a 75% movement speed slow for 1 second.
60 second cooldown reduced by 5 seconds for each enemy hero gripped (max 25 seconds taken off the cooldown if all 5 enemy heroes are gripped onto the 6th)

Basically just an expensive but useful item to help stack enemies in teams where you don't have something like a lash or dynamo. Deals some damage, give a debuff and slow to help follow up after but has a longer cooldown that is reduced based on how successfully you use it but still only available to use once per fight on average.

Could be a t3 item as well still keeping bullet shredder component. 4200 souls is still expensive enough for the item if you feel 7700 is too much for too little.
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