Forbidden Tome - tier 2 spirit item


Active member
Forbidden Tome
Spirit Tier 2
§1250 Souls

  • +60 Bonus Health
  • +8 Spirit Power
Passive (16s Cooldown):
Gain a heal and speed boost upon hero kill.
  • 115 Heal on Hero Kill (+1 x Spirit) (Conditional)
  • +2m/s Movement Speed (Conditional)
  • 6s Duration

Once upon a time, healbane was a spirit item. While it's move over to vitality was a good idea overall, I think that the lesser thought about effect (the large heal on kill) of healbane could be repurposed to a new spirit item. I gave this item a rather lengthy cool down, so hopefully it's a bit less obnoxious when chaining multi-kills.
It would be more interesting to make an item that heals when u killing creeps, rather than players. What we have now, killing player for heal, is very difficult to balance. However, speed boost rly interesting. How about healing from the maximum HP of the killed person? (sry for my eng)
the spirit scaling and base heal amount on this item are too low to make it compete with Healbane,
Healbane has 350 heal on an enemy hero's death if they died during healbane's 7s effect, 438 HP with Healing Booster.

Forbidden Tome heals 115 hp for the same cost, and the spirit scaling is way too low when boundless spirit adding 81 spirit power just gets the healing to over half of Healbane's.
The movement speed on kill seems more useful as a quick get away utility after risking one's life to kill a hero. But that could also use a boost to its stats with maybe 4m/s move speed minimum.

Could otherwise have another on kill effect added where an AoE blast damages any nearby enemies for the same amount of damage as you would've healed (same spirit scaling.)

Would make for a good item on Shiv or Mo & Krill or Haze.
New items got added to the developer console, so I am going through my previous item concepts for some housekeeping.

Overall I am proud of this item, but I agree that it looks a little weak. Here's what I would do differently to change it:
  1. Increase the heal on kill to be on par or better than healbane (somewhere around 400)
  2. Either a slight buff to speed duration or a slight reduction to it's cooldown