Deadmock - create mock tooltips for your item and ability ideas


Available at
Github repo at

I put together this WYSIWYG editor so that people could make their suggestions look more professional, and hopefully get a better idea of how their mechanics might be communicated to players. It's not designed for mobile because several elements rely on hover interactions - it still works okay on my phone but YMMV. Generally, if you want to change something, you can click on it.

You can export to a png, and create links to your item/ability in the editor. It keeps a history of the past 10 things you had open, but I'd recommend exporting or saving links if you really don't want to lose something.

Let me know if you have any issues with it or suggestions - you can reply here or file an issue on the Github repo.
Available at
Github repo at

I put together this WYSIWYG editor so that people could make their suggestions look more professional, and hopefully get a better idea of how their mechanics might be communicated to players. It's not designed for mobile because several elements rely on hover interactions - it still works okay on my phone but YMMV. Generally, if you want to change something, you can click on it.

You can export to a png, and create links to your item/ability in the editor. It keeps a history of the past 10 things you had open, but I'd recommend exporting or saving links if you really don't want to lose something.

Let me know if you have any issues with it or suggestions - you can reply here or file an issue on the Github repo.
This is great! It might be useful for this forum if there was an option to copy the item description as plaintext. It would make items easier to search for and compile large amounts of items as data, if the devs would want to do either.
This is great! It might be useful for this forum if there was an option to copy the item description as plaintext. It would make items easier to search for and compile large amounts of items as data, if the devs would want to do either.
I like the idea of exporting to plaintext or BB-markup for posting to the forums, I'll add that next. If you really super can't wait, I suppose you could write a bookmarklet to fetch the JSON from local storage and transform it from there, but I'll probably have something up in a few days. Currently working through the final bugs for adding some fancy transitions and draggable list items at the moment.
Pushed a new update with the animations and dragging I mentioned before - you can now reorder item stats and multiple grids or markdown sections within an ability. Also added the ability to copy a text passage for the item in BBCode (for these forums), Markdown (for Reddit), and plaintext if you want to customize it yourself. There are two BBCode exporters, with and without color, since the color markup can be very hard to visually parse. This is what it should look like:

Slowing Hex
Spirit Tier 2
: Enduring Spirit
§1750 Souls

  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +5 Spirit Power
  • +75 Bonus Health
Active (26s Cooldown):​
Deals Spirit Damage, Slows targets movement and dashes. Also Silences their movement-based items and abilities.
Does not affect target's stamina usage.
  • 80 Damage
  • 20% Movement Slow (Conditional)
  • -30% Dash Distance (Conditional)
  • 29m Cast Range
  • 3s Duration
Thanks for the suggestion, @Geneva!

There's not much left on my list of stuff to add - I'm probably going to look at making the stats in the ability header draggable, as well as grid cells. There's a very good chance I broke something with this update - there was a change in serialization, so I put in a migration that should be able to import old data, but let me know if you spot anything wrong.
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The problem with custom icons is that the tooltips only show item icons in the Components section - it never shows the item's own icon. I think it would be a completely separate use case to support that. I've considered it before, but don't see how it works with the current Deadmock feature set.
putting what im trying to say visually, i mean so you can have a custom icon for your particular thing next to the final output
I guess my problem with that is if it's not composed into the tooltip's presentation, there's not really anything for Deadmock to do. If you just want to put them next to each other, you already have the two images and you can do that, and then I don't have to be prescriptivist about which side it goes on, or have some complicated composition wizard where you choose how it looks.

The closest thing I can think of that I could put in Deadmock is some sort of Hero Showcase mode where you upload a portrait, icons, and fill out four abilities to be composed into a single image, something like what they have in-game:

having done coding on my own website and game projects i already get what you mean, writing code equivalent to the entire rest of the project for one optional feature is no good

would be glorious, if thats simpler for you and goes with your goal of wysiwyg go for it
Been working on this since it sounded fun, got the layout mostly settled, but still have to implement image uploading and do a bunch of testing. Here's roughly what it should look like when its done:
Been working on this since it sounded fun, got the layout mostly settled, but still have to implement image uploading and do a bunch of testing. Here's roughly what it should look like when its done:
that is going to be legendary man i will make sure to really put it to use
Been working on this since it sounded fun, got the layout mostly settled, but still have to implement image uploading and do a bunch of testing. Here's roughly what it should look like when its done:
Looks amazing. Can`t wait to use something like this. The only problem is that i am shit at making sketches for heroes and abilities :).
Just pushed the update with Hero editing available. There are a lot more things that can cause errors in there, and I didn't implement proper error states, so if you see something wrong let me know - you can always check the console for error messages. Literally everything is client-side and there's no telemetry, so I won't know if anything is broken unless you tell me.

I don't prevent you from deleting abilities or images that are currently in use by a stored hero, so it'll just show an error icon and you can reupload images or reattach to new or existing abilities.

The "Copy Link" button is disabled for hero mode because I have no way to serialize images into a reasonable-length link.

Custom icons only care about the alpha channel - you should be able to use any image format your browser can handle, and the colors won't matter as long as you have proper transparency - I just use it as a mask and apply the correct colors anyway.

There may be a bit of lag when you open a hero as it renders the abilities. You can click the rendered abilities to swap to them in the editor.

Did an overhaul on a few other areas:
  • Moved over most icons to SVGs - a few are still missing, but it's much more noticeable when they're low-resolution if you use them for hero ability icons
    • A lot of these came from a pack that was posted in the discord, many of which are reimplementations of in-game icons so they may not be pixel-perfect, but it saved me a ton of work - credit to "bigband_it"
  • The editor history limit has now been removed, but I added the ability to delete individual items from the history to compensate
  • History deletion now requires click-and-hold because it was way too easy to misclick and destroy everything
  • You can now fork the currently-open model, available in the history menu
  • Added support for using back/forward buttons in your browser, but no guarantees on the behavior if you've deleted a model you're navigating to
  • Removed templates for multiple item types (i.e. Return Fire and Slowing Hex) - I wanted to keep the history dropdown from getting overcluttered, and it's easy enough to change between item types from the template
  • Swapped the default item to Hollow Point Ward since it's relatively simple and doesn't have as much stuff you might need to change compared to Heroic Aura
Hope you guys can put it to good use, @ziz4030, @Дедлокер!
some minor issues i found:

1) names longer than a few characters (ie; cup game or stick fingers) overlap with ability stats on the top bar.
2) values in the ability details section are abbreviated (ie; 1.2s stun becomes 1.. ...) under certain circumstances, this was easy to avoid last update you made but now is very easy to run into