10 Various Item Ideas Part 2


Piggy Backing off of my previous thread I'm back with some more item suggestions.

As before, none of the numbers in these are based on anything but general feelings, so some maybe be numerically overpowered, some maybe super weak, the real consideration here was the effects of the items and what they could add to the game, be that for laning, ganking, or team fights.

As before, again, I don't pay too much attention to the other item suggestions in this forum so apoologies if I have accidentally "stolen" someone's ideas.

Tranquility - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+10% Weapon Damage

Passive (4s Cooldown): Gain Bonus Health Regen and Weapon Damage until you shoot
+10% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
+3 Health Regeneration (Conditional)

This item is based around trying to reward a patient playstyle where you only take the shots you need to take, allowing level-headed players to deal bonus damage and have better sustain in lane as long as they aren't constantly firing

Vengeance - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+6 Spirit Power
+1 Health Regen

Passive (10s Cooldown): Taking player based damage puts you in a state of Vengeance, giving you Bonus Move Speed and amplifying the next Ability you use with Bonus Spirit Power
Vengeance Duration: 3 seconds
Bonus Move Speed: +1
Bonus Spirit Power: +15

Almost the opposite of the previous item, this is a reactionary item that allows you to either retaliate against enemies who damage you by closing the gap and using a buffed ability, or maybe to just slink away and use a buffed regeneration ability (if it scales with spirit)

Pale Reflection - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+50 Bonus Health

Active (30s Cooldown): Become briefly invisible, leaving a projection of yourself that mirrors your current movements and disappears if it takes 3 instances of player-based damage
Invisibility Duration: 2 Seconds
Projection Duration: 5 Seconds
Invisibility Spot Radius: 5m
Invisibilty Bonus Move Speed: 1m/s

This would be an item that could be used defensively and offensively in lane, either to trick enemies into wasting their ammo on what they think is you, or to misdirect them as you come from another angle to harass them.
The Illusion would copy your movements and animations but mirrored, so if you use this ability and start running left, the ghost will move right.
It could also be used to juke enemies when trying to escape, making them think you've gone left at a crossroads when you actually went right.

Cursed Coin - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
-2 Health regen
-5 Spirit Power
+15% Weapon Damage

Passive: Chance based effects are more likely to occur
+50% Chance

This would improve all chances based effects that occur based on a percentage chance, the extra chance would be multiplicative rather than additional.
For example, Tesla Bullets have a 25% chance to proc the electric shock, combined with this item would be 25 * 1.5, giving you a 37.5% chance instead.

Djinn's Lamp - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+8 Spirit Power
+100 Bonus Health
+1 Health Regen

Passive: Whenever you deny a soul, gain 1 Beneficiary stack

Active (30s Cooldown): Can only be used when you have 10 stacks available, gives you a random tier 2 golden idol permanent buff
Maximum Stacks: 10

I think having a Hand of Midas like item would probably be too contentious, but the golden idol buffs are quite easy and frequent to get, so I think an item that rewards your ability to deny by giving you more of those small permanent bonuses would be a good middle ground for the "Active Item that speeds up your power progrssion" trope

Combat Cyclone - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
-5% Bullet Resistance
+10% Weapon Damage

Passive: When Dashing, Air Dashing, or Sliding, gain bullet evasion
Bullet Evasion: 25%

This would allow you to use slightly or dashing to actually negate some instances of bullet damage, nopt a particularly flashy item, but a cool one

Dissipation - Vitality - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+250 Bonus Health
+5% Spirit Lifesteal

Passive: A percentage of any damage dealt to you is reflected back to enemies around you as Spirit Damage, the total damage dealt is split between the number of enemies
Reflect Damage: 10% + (0.075 * Spirit)
Reflect AoE: 8m

This is a Vitality item that reduces damage to you whilst also reflecting it amongst all nearby enemies, the damage is split evenly and rounded up between all available enemies in the AoE and this includes non-player enemies.
For a quick example, if someone deals 80 damage to you and there are 4 players around you, then you deal 8 Spirit Damage back to them, which is then split between 4 so they each receive 2 damage back.
This doesn't sound like much in a vacuum, but the reflected damage scales with spirit and it would be a general 10% damage reduction whilst also slightly healing you from the lifesteal which other items also give you, allowing you to stay in the big fights for longer whilst also dealing passive damage.

Binding Chains - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15% Jump Height
+1 m/s Movement Speed

Active (40s Cooldown): Fire a projectile that wraps an enemy in heavy chains, dragging them to the ground and dealing damage based on fall distance whilst also preventing them from gaining any vertical height
Cast Range: 25m
Duration: 5 seconds
Damage per Meter Dropped: 5 + (0.1 * Spirit)

While wrapped in the chains, the target can still move around and use abilities, but any ability or mechanic that would allow them to gain height off the ground would instead see them stay in place, it's a good item for countering flying characters or any other character that wants to jump around a lot to be impactful or to escape

Soul Extractor - Spirit - Tier 3 - Imbued - 3,000S
+8% Bullet Resist
+8% Spirit Resist
+5 Health Regen

Passive (5s Cooldown): Whenever the ability is used, give bonus Spirit Shield & Bullet Shield Health based on the damage dealt, Bonus Shields are temporary and drain over time
Bonus Spirit Shield Health from Damage Dealt: 20%
Bonus Bullet Shield Health from Damage Dealt: 20%
Bonus Spirit/Bullet Shield Health Drain per second: 10%

The idea behind this item was to create an imbued ability that gave defensive spirit builds a powerful tool, imbuing an ability to give you bonus shields based on the damage you deal.
There aren't that many Imbuable items yet and I really like this system so I wanted to come up with more ideas to take advantage of that system.
To prevent this from being overpowered, the bonus shields would constantly drain over time by 10% of the max health, meaning that if you took no damage the bonus shields would last 10 seconds, but in reality they likely wouldn't last that long as they would be absorbing damage from enemies.

Astral Projection - Spirit - Tier 4 - 6,300S
+200 Spirit Shield Health
+200 Bullet Shield Health
+20 Spirit Power
+20% Weapon Damage

Active (120s Cooldown): Channel your current Shield Health into an astral form that you can control, the Astral Form is an extension of yourself, able to move, shoot and use your basic abilities (which start off cooldown for the projection), but not your ultimate ability or active items
The Astral Form has no health, only your Bullet and Spirit Shields, if both of them run out, or one of them runs out and the Astral Form gets hit by that type of damage, the Astral Form expires, can be cancelled early to return to you and give back it's current health of Spirit/Bullet Shields

Channel Time: 2 Seconds
Astral Form Damage Reduction: 40%
Astral Form Spirit/Bullet Shield Health Drain per Second: 15

So this might be a bit of a doozy to explain and would probably be better used as a heroes' ultimate ability as it is quite complex, but this would be an item that allows you to create a doppelganger of yourself using your current Spirit and Bullet Shield healths.

You're player character would be uncontrollable during the Astral Projection and you can use the item again to return the projection to your character, which has a travel time but can go through walls, giving you back it's Spirit/Bullet Shield health once it rejoins with you.

The Astral Projection has all of your abilities and stats, but can only use your basic 1, 2 and 3 abilities and can't use any items (though it still has any relevant stats that were gained from the items). It can still dash, shoot, jump etc, and has it's own Stamina and Cooldowns (So if you create an Astral projection when you have no Stamina, it still has full Stamina, or if your 1 is currently on Cooldown, the Projection's isn't).

The Projection is time limited in that the shield healths are constantly draining, when both of them have been fully drained, the projection is destroyed. If the projection's Bullet Health has been completely drained but it still has Spirit Health, then the projection still persists, but if it takes a single point of bullet damage it dies.

Visually, the Projection would be a ghostly version of the player that is semi-transparent and tinted green, so it would be obvious to enemies that it isn't the actual player.

This would be a fun item that could make for some interesting strats, or allow you to leave the base during a defence with little risk of dying, at the cost of having no Shield Health if the projection gets killed and now you have to leave the base to defend (Though this could be mitigated with the Veil Walker item).