Deadlock causing severe crashes that fully reboot the computer

the LTSC version of windows strips out a bunch of things as well for OS bloat, so it's possible a feature that was apart of that bloat is no longer present. Did you happen to run the secure erase tool built into your motherboard? That could also explain it if you had. Otherwise I would chock it up to random bits being aligned in a way that just conflicted, change of OS made it so those bits didn't align anymore. Can't tell you how many times I have seen some random computer crashes, or poor performance that made zero sense on a clean install of windows just for it to be different after a different OS install or a secure/low level wipe of the disk.
The secure erase didn't function on my M.2 drive for whatever reason. All I did was delete the existing partition using the Windows installer, which isn't the same but seemed to do the job. I had reformatted before this once before a few months (Windows 11 to Windows 11) and it didn't do anything to fix it, so I think it is more Windows 11-related than a bad OS disk sector.

Glad to hear it's all working again though, it certainly didn't seem like failing hardware.
I'm still a little worried since it did crash that once early on at desktop with nearly nothing running in the background, but it hasn't happened at all since. I wonder if there's anything Valve can do to improve Deadlock stability on Windows 11, but if anyone's having this issue and needs help installing Windows 10 LTSC, feel free to send me a message.
The secure erase didn't function on my M.2 drive for whatever reason. All I did was delete the existing partition using the Windows installer, which isn't the same but seemed to do the job. I had reformatted before this once before a few months (Windows 11 to Windows 11) and it didn't do anything to fix it, so I think it is more Windows 11-related than a bad OS disk sector.
I doubt it was any specific issue with the disk, this is more to make sure all bits are 0. I have imaged many a computer and more often than not when we get a bad image lay down it's because of some errant bit that just does something weird. Soon as we use the Dell secure erase on the system next image is clean.

I'm still a little worried since it did crash that once early on at desktop with nearly nothing running in the background, but it hasn't happened at all since. I wonder if there's anything Valve can do to improve Deadlock stability on Windows 11, but if anyone's having this issue and needs help installing Windows 10 LTSC, feel free to send me a message.
I wouldn't be to worried about it, random crashes happen all the time. I've had my system blue screen because some USB device just hung up for whatever reason, that same USB device has never hung up again. Could just be some random cosmic ray hit your system just right to cause it to freak out. Darn cosmic rays always getting in the way of the things we want to do. I can always read your crash dumps again if you need ;)

Hell I just had a whole switch stack freak out and break my whole network because of something random, it legitimately made zero sense as the error was based around two ports getting packets from what it thought was the same device. I had made zero changes to the network, the hardware wasn't bad and disconnecting the offending port only caused other ports to freak out. I had to reset the whole stack just to fix the problem, this is basically like reloading the OS for a switch since it reads from the memory into a RAM disk and runs from that.