Cope matchmaking

honestly OP i feel your pain. i can't seem to catch a break playing this game within the last month or so and its been making me so upset lmao.
it might be time to find a new game tbh until this shit gets sorted!! the game is fun, but ive found my mental and emotional health more valuable than being matched w/ players 6-12 ranks lower than me almost every match
honestly OP i feel your pain. i can't seem to catch a break playing this game within the last month or so and its been making me so upset lmao.
it might be time to find a new game tbh until this shit gets sorted!! the game is fun, but ive found my mental and emotional health more valuable than being matched w/ players 6-12 ranks lower than me almost every match
No cap, this is Valve we talkin’ bout, masters of rage bait, kings of pain. Things finna stay scuffed forever, don’t even trip. 💀
Your winrate is 50.2% in 629 games, that means you have hit your skill cap, i have never played a moba in my life and in 552 games my wr is 58% playing SOLO 90% of the games, which means i am somewhat far from reaching my skill sealing(phantom 6 rn and i think its shit rank) because when you reach your skill cap your winrate should be about 50%. Face the facts, if you were as good as you think no way in the world your wr would be so low, i agree that MM is bad i but also i agree that you are bad. Once again, face the facts.
Your winrate is 50.2% in 629 games, that means you have hit your skill cap, i have never played a moba in my life and in 552 games my wr is 58% playing SOLO 90% of the games, which means i am somewhat far from reaching my skill sealing(phantom 6 rn and i think its shit rank) because when you reach your skill cap your winrate should be about 50%. Face the facts, if you were as good as you think no way in the world your wr would be so low, i agree that MM is bad i but also i agree that you are bad. Once again, face the facts.
Bro, I swear, this game ain't even a game anymore - it’s a focking psychological torture experiment designed by Valve to see how much raw pain one human being can take before uninstalling. 62% WR on Abrams, 50% on Lash, but the second I lock in Lash, Gabe Newell himself descends from the heavens, flips a switch, and assigns me the most brain-damaged, thumb-sucking, goldfish-memory-having teammates in existence. I used to hold 2100 MMR, but now I’m free-falling into the Mariana Trench because I get lobbies filled with people who wouldn’t pass a Turing test
Like, how am I supposed to "macro" when my entire team shares a single brain cell, and it's currently AFK in base? I ping a 5% HP walker - radio silence. These dudes just sit there like it's a focking sightseeing tour while I’m out here 1v3’ing for my life, screaming for help, and my “team” is farming creeps five meters away like I’m not literally dying in front of them. And then, the moment I die? Suddenly, these clowns get a burst of courage, charge in 3v5 like it’s some anime redemption arc, and get erased from the timeline in 0.2 seconds
And then there’s Ivy. Bro, I need saving, I need a pull-out from a 2v5 situation, and this genius, this MENSA-certified intellect, decides to yeet me straight into the enemy team like I’m a focking DoorDash order, instead of saving both of us. Like bro, I was trying to LIVE, not participate in a synchronized suicide pact with yours and mine names on it

There is no MMR gain. There is no climbing. There is no skill expression. There is only suffering. I am trapped in a 1v6 simulator where the enemy team is playing 4D chess while mine is sitting in the corner screaming "GOAL". At this point, I ain't even mad - I’m just scientifically fascinated by how Valve manages to generate THIS level of dumbassery on a daily basis


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First match of the day, the entire enemy team is using accounts with multiple bans and their hours range from 2 to 11 hours. All blatantly cheating.

No clue what Valve is doing but at this point they might aswell add cheats in the game to even the playing field.
Bro, I swear, this game ain't even a game anymore - it’s a focking psychological torture experiment designed by Valve to see how much raw pain one human being can take before uninstalling. 62% WR on Abrams, 50% on Lash, but the second I lock in Lash, Gabe Newell himself descends from the heavens, flips a switch, and assigns me the most brain-damaged, thumb-sucking, goldfish-memory-having teammates in existence. I used to hold 2100 MMR, but now I’m free-falling into the Mariana Trench because I get lobbies filled with people who wouldn’t pass a Turing test
Like, how am I supposed to "macro" when my entire team shares a single brain cell, and it's currently AFK in base? I ping a 5% HP walker - radio silence. These dudes just sit there like it's a focking sightseeing tour while I’m out here 1v3’ing for my life, screaming for help, and my “team” is farming creeps five meters away like I’m not literally dying in front of them. And then, the moment I die? Suddenly, these clowns get a burst of courage, charge in 3v5 like it’s some anime redemption arc, and get erased from the timeline in 0.2 seconds
And then there’s Ivy. Bro, I need saving, I need a pull-out from a 2v5 situation, and this genius, this MENSA-certified intellect, decides to yeet me straight into the enemy team like I’m a focking DoorDash order, instead of saving both of us. Like bro, I was trying to LIVE, not participate in a synchronized suicide pact with yours and mine names on it

There is no MMR gain. There is no climbing. There is no skill expression. There is only suffering. I am trapped in a 1v6 simulator where the enemy team is playing 4D chess while mine is sitting in the corner screaming "GOAL". At this point, I ain't even mad - I’m just scientifically fascinated by how Valve manages to generate THIS level of dumbassery on a daily basis
Like Ive been saying, I feel your pain. We are in the same general mmr and I have managed to stop freefalling but not really able to climb.

Had a Geist the other day that literally afk farmed camps and went 0/0/0, refused to participate in the game but didnt want to abandoned the game to get the penalty all because I roamed once as Calico to another lane and grabbed some boxes on the way back. I had to solo a duo lane and my team I proceeded to win the game 5v6 against the other team doing exactly what I have already told you.

Is this shit frustrating? Fuck yes it is. Is it match making? Absolutely. And when this bs happens, I report the players that are obviously not emissary or Archon ranks.

But that goes back to what we have been going back and forth with. You asked what are you supposed to do. I gave you an answer instead of validating your feelings right off the bat and you crashed out. No one is saying this shit isnt happening. Just that you can still win and climb despite it happening. And at the end of the match, your kills, deaths and assist dont matter. Its structures taken and the win screen.
Tbh you have gone so low in rank now that this is what you get. I am not high rank myself but when I get like Archon 1 or in worst case scenario Emissary 5 lobbies it's horrible. I can't even begin to imagine your games and I've heard horror stories from other ingame about lower ranks. Unfortunately due to Valve completely botching the matchup with merging ranked and unranked, whatever they did, made the matchmaking so bad players bled out. So now the matchmaking is just even worse because there aren't enough players and any new players are not put at 0 mmr after their initial 4 wins which also make even Archon lobbies have players with a total of 10-20 ranked games and obviously get completely destroyed. Ruining both their experience and the experience of more seasoned players.

You can rant and cope all you want but personally I don't think there is anything Valve can do except reset mmr, everyone starts at 0, work their way up instead and make the game more accessible. They could make it a "request access" demo w/e on steam and then just turn it off at any point. A game like this needs a lot of players, especially with their 200 different ranks and their 6 levels in each. Game currently peaks at roughly 16k players across ALL REGIONS. NA, SA, EU, Asia and OCE. For a game such as this that is abysmal. I recognize at the minimum 2 other players pretty much every single game now because yeah... there aren't enough players.
First match of the day, the entire enemy team is using accounts with multiple bans and their hours range from 2 to 11 hours. All blatantly cheating.

No clue what Valve is doing but at this point they might aswell add cheats in the game to even the playing field.
Nuh brah, they better add even more half-baked, unfinished heroes who all main the maingun so we can attract even MORE cheaters. Gotta keep the ecosystem thriving - one aimbotter per lane, two in the jungle, and a wallhacker coaching from base. At this point, Valve’s just running a social experiment to see if we’ll keep playing despite needing a crucifix and holy water to queue up
Tbh you have gone so low in rank now that this is what you get. I am not high rank myself but when I get like Archon 1 or in worst case scenario Emissary 5 lobbies it's horrible. I can't even begin to imagine your games and I've heard horror stories from other ingame about lower ranks. Unfortunately due to Valve completely botching the matchup with merging ranked and unranked, whatever they did, made the matchmaking so bad players bled out. So now the matchmaking is just even worse because there aren't enough players and any new players are not put at 0 mmr after their initial 4 wins which also make even Archon lobbies have players with a total of 10-20 ranked games and obviously get completely destroyed. Ruining both their experience and the experience of more seasoned players.

You can rant and cope all you want but personally I don't think there is anything Valve can do except reset mmr, everyone starts at 0, work their way up instead and make the game more accessible. They could make it a "request access" demo w/e on steam and then just turn it off at any point. A game like this needs a lot of players, especially with their 200 different ranks and their 6 levels in each. Game currently peaks at roughly 16k players across ALL REGIONS. NA, SA, EU, Asia and OCE. For a game such as this that is abysmal. I recognize at the minimum 2 other players pretty much every single game now because yeah... there aren't enough players.
Nah bro, resetting mmr ain’t fixing jack when this game’s freefalling faster than a crypto scam. Deadlock didn’t lose 85k players ‘cause of bad ranks- Valve out here treating it like a stray dog they fed once and dipped. They drop balance patches like the game ain’t held together with duct tape and prayers, then keep shoving in half-cooked heroes with more stolen dota 2 abilities than a chinese bootleg.
Like, how do you drop a new hero and forget to give them a working kit?? We got characters that play like they’re still in alpha, cheaters multiplying like a rabbit farm, and matchmaking feeling like a social experiment. Lobbies be straight-up brain damage incubators - two smurfs, three actual bots, and one dude who thinks the shoot button is a suggestion.
Valve don’t develop games no more, they just buy ‘em like collectibles and leave ‘em to rot. And when they do touch a game? It’s like handing a monkey a grenade - guaranteed disaster. 100k players down to 15k? That ain’t a decline, that’s a pipeline straight to the grave. Game’s on life support and Valve’s the doctor who prescribed cyanide.
Like Ive been saying, I feel your pain. We are in the same general mmr and I have managed to stop freefalling but not really able to climb.

Had a Geist the other day that literally afk farmed camps and went 0/0/0, refused to participate in the game but didnt want to abandoned the game to get the penalty all because I roamed once as Calico to another lane and grabbed some boxes on the way back. I had to solo a duo lane and my team I proceeded to win the game 5v6 against the other team doing exactly what I have already told you.

Is this shit frustrating? Fuck yes it is. Is it match making? Absolutely. And when this bs happens, I report the players that are obviously not emissary or Archon ranks.

But that goes back to what we have been going back and forth with. You asked what are you supposed to do. I gave you an answer instead of validating your feelings right off the bat and you crashed out. No one is saying this shit isnt happening. Just that you can still win and climb despite it happening. And at the end of the match, your kills, deaths and assist dont matter. Its structures taken and the win screen.
Look, I get what you're saying, but let’s be real - Valve’s running this game like it’s some twisted version of communism aka "We all should struggle the same". Autists and normal players stuck in the same boat, and the only thing Valve’s doing is watching it sink. They put you in these god-awful matches, and the moment you try to fix anything, they shoot you in the knee with a chat ban. Like, no warning, no help, just silence while the ship goes down. Then you try to bail, and boom - LP slapped right on your face. It’s literally the definition of suffering, and Valve’s just out here giving everyone the same experience like it’s some kind of sick joke
And yeah, I get it - sometimes you're stuck in a game with absolute brain-dead players, like that Geist who went 0/0/0 while you’re out here trying to carry the game 5v6. But let’s not kid ourselves, this isn't about climbing anymore, it’s about trying to survive in a dumpster fire of a game where matchmaking’s completely broken, and Valve’s too busy adding half-baked heroes and balancing random shit to actually fix anything
I don’t even care about my kills or assists anymore, bro. It’s just about who can survive the longest without getting buried by this disaster of a game. We’re all just stuck in this mess, fighting to even stay afloat, and Valve’s out here handing us all a bucket with a hole in it. Like you said, it’s frustrating, but let’s be real - it’s not us, it’s Valve. They’re the ones killing the game, not us trying to make it work
hmmm... this is interesting statement.
Bro, nah, they literally spent 8 years on Neon Prime and the result is a pile of garbage that feels like it was made by a bunch of monkeys with Unity templates with an alpha and "Deadlock" tag on it. Like, come on bro, if you think this mess was made in a few nights, you're trippin'

Bro, nah, they literally spent 8 years on Neon Prime and the result is a pile of garbage that feels like it was made by a bunch of monkeys with Unity templates with an alpha and "Deadlock" tag on it. Like, come on bro, if you think this mess was made in a few nights, you're trippin'

It’s not like Valve is some tiny indie studio with 5 people working there: Gaben, 3 indus, and a crippled one. Nah, bro, it’s a multi-billion dollar company that can’t even hire a janitor to increase their staff size. Meanwhile, all the talent that worked on their OG games like HL and Portal bounced the second they realized Valve was more about collecting money than making games. I mean, Valve's current ‘management’ is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. You got all this cash, but instead of hiring competent devs to fix the mess, they just keep trying to milk their aging franchises while the whole ship sinks. The irony is, Valve's sitting on a goldmine but can’t even figure out how to polish the damn thing
i have never seen someone crash out harder in these forums lel
Fr fr no cap, my man. Valve got me addicted to this game like a New York child hooked on fentanyl, and now they’re just mixing more doses with dog shit, grinning like they did something good. No shiet I'm here crashing out. GIVE ME MY DAMN DOSE!!!