Constant Crashing. 11 during a single match.


New member
Been having crashing issues since I think the last Thursday patch (10/3/2024). On average during a match I'd crash 1~2 times. It has gotten more aggressive with this Thursday's patch though, going up to 2~5. This morning's session had an unexpected 12 crashes in it. 1 before playing proper as I was constructing my build in the sandbox. The actual match, I think I played at around 11AM~12PM PST.

Match ID: 22117128

My graphical settings are on the default. The notch before "Best Looking".

My System Information:
OS: Windows 11
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-14900KF, 3200 Mhz, 24 Core(s), 32 Logical Processor(s)
Installed RAM is 32 GB
VRAM is 32 GB.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080
NVMe PC801 NVMe SK hynix 1TB (Game was installed on the SSD)

I should preface that with every crash on Deadlock, Steam also shut down. I'd have to wait for Steam to boot up before I can start Deadlock again. One of my teammates in this match also told me that I wasn't shown as disconnected, so the match was only paused maybe one time during my crashes. I have the Steam recordings if necessary. I was playing as Shiv on the Amber Hand team with my username "JonSpider" displayed. It feels like there is no real rhyme or reason for my crashes, which I will list out:

1. Scrolling upwards while editing a build in the sandbox.
2. Walking up a ramp in purple lane during laning phase. I was on the Amber Hand side.
3. Waiting to respawn.
4. Dashing against Medium Creeps near the start of Amber Hand Purple near base.
5. Jumping onto Zipline in Purple Lane. I had my finger on Push to Talk Key (T) when it happened.
6. Dash Jumping away from 2-Story Building near Amber Hand Green Lane (The one with the punch machines)
7. Walking up near start of purple lane after shooting small troopers.
8. Waiting to respawn.
9. Walking/Pushing up Yellow Lane
10. Walking towards Midboss from Green Lane (Passing through small camp building)
11. Slice N' Dice'ing towards Abrams in the middle of blue lane.
12. Crashed after clicking "Rejoin Match" somewhere between the 5th and 7th crashes. This is about 3 seconds after the game boots up.