New member
Match ID: 33481189, timestamp ~39:30
As Mirage, I cast my tornado and then Mo and Krill immediately combos me. This takes me out of my tornado but keeps my player model in the upright animation. I die under the effects of the ult while the model is stuck in this position. Upon respawn I am still stuck in this position. It felt like I had slowed movement and/or dash speed in this state. State lasted until near the end of the game when I was stunned (I believe caught in AOE for Seven stun), at which point it resets to normal model animations.
As Mirage, I cast my tornado and then Mo and Krill immediately combos me. This takes me out of my tornado but keeps my player model in the upright animation. I die under the effects of the ult while the model is stuck in this position. Upon respawn I am still stuck in this position. It felt like I had slowed movement and/or dash speed in this state. State lasted until near the end of the game when I was stunned (I believe caught in AOE for Seven stun), at which point it resets to normal model animations.