Bad Matchmaking Thread

These are 3 games in a row, all decided by a single person, lots of game like that for me. Quite frastrating.
I suspect these are people who play higher ranks trying different characters and getting into lower lobby. I'm not sure anything can be done about that, but such people are like a raid boss in a frog pool.

Smurfs have been trashing lower-mid tiers for months now....not sure they care lol
Match ID: 33315816
Please look at the team on the left. All of them have near zero kills and more than eight deaths except Vindicta. The game was incredibly one-sided.
Judging by the medals, there must be a considerable rank disparity.
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Match ID: 33322475 I am low Phantom/High Oracle, put on a team with Archon *average* meaning some of my teammates are definitely well below that, and our enemies are averaged to high Oracle.

Other team lost a player before 10 minutes and still absolutely steamrolled us 5-6. was never once remotely close/competitive.
Your typical Deadlock stomp. We only got one flex slot, and their Grey Talon/Warden hard carried the entire team. We barely got much done and honestly I get the vibe that their Grey Talon was smurfing. Not only that, but look at that Warden. How the fuck is any of this fair lmao. Please make the next big update a matchmaking overhaul [ID: 33369457]
1. 33394295
Shiv is clearly smurfing every match with over 20 kills along with his friends, boosting them to much higher ranks while insulting us.

My teammates are Seeker rank, while I am Ritualist 2. They all have very few hours in the game, just like Shiv's teammates!

I have reported Shiv, but please, fix the matchmaking because it's way too unbalanced like this!
33323988 33362001 33362989 33395972 33397562 33398463 33399214 33400363 33403176 33403855 33404564 33405289

these are just today, ever since the lane switch, its been horrendous. People not knowing how to play again, other team just way more in sync/at the skill level they are. My teams have not, we have one fucking idiot on the team who throws and costs us early lane and then ganking, this has been a trend and i dont think the three lanes are it for people


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Please for the love of god. Don’t put eternus players on the same team as someone in archon. I understand the player base is small but this was the worst game I’ve ever played.


Two top 10 eternus players.
I don't know... getting stomped the whole game. clearly higher skill level and yet the game claims equal rank. I have over 500 hours in this game. maybe not a lot to some but it's enough to at least recognize how bad the ranking is in this. Matchmaking does not weigh high skill players near as much as it should.