Bad Matchmaking Thread

More lopsided matches I highly suspect my teammates are comprised of the people who got wrongfully matched into unwinnable games like the one above, which deranked them to stomp in games like this.

14 minute game. 4 kills to 28.

28 minute game. Everyone on my team was feeding.
230k souls to 143k.

A win this time. 25 minute match
closer on souls but still 50k difference.

14 minute match. 48k souls to 110k.

I could go on and on with these games.

I have not had a close game in probably 20 games. It seems like this whole patch has been really lopsided. I don't know if it's hero balance or matchmaking, but this is really starting to drain me. And it's not just the losses. It's a stomp either way. It's much more fun to play a close game than to stomp every time or get stomped.

some of these games we're matched against the same damn team two games in a row, except my team is swapped out for fresh feeders.

I think i need a break from this until it's sorted.

It straight up feels like this game is punishing me.
I was placed in a lobby full of Russian players. I'm not Russian, I don't speak Russian, and I don't live in Russia.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
22397637. We got absolutely destroyed in every lane. The enemies definitely knew a lot of things I neither my teammates did. I did learn some of them after the match, but the experience wasn’t very fun…
I don't know if this is the right thread, but I am no longer paired to my party buddy when starting a match. Every time, we are seperated. I guess this might have something to do with the new feature where certain heroes are prioritized for duo lanes, but whatever it is, it sucks. I want to lane with my friends again.
22403866 - 70k soul diff in 22 minutes. Nobody apart from me in my team has reached 8k(!!!) player damage in 22 minutes. Only 1 other person on my team reached 1k objective damage in 22 minutes. One of the worst experiences so far..
22405196 - ALL 3 Lanes failed full stomp, then everyone rotated over my lane and we lost from there.
22406227 - It felt like they were premade group and we were not.

Can we please get a an option for solo queue only like dota 2 has.

In general my games have been crazy unbalanced since the latest matchmaking changes. It feels almost impossible to lose without deliberately throwing. Some games feel like I am pretty evenly matched up during the laning phase, but almost every game my team is completely dominant in the mid-late game. I think I am a roughly average player, and I had a 50% winrate before the patch. Since October 11, my winrate has skyrocketed, and the matching seems almost like it is artificially inflating my wins.
22404089 - At least 4 players in my team were a part of a premade group (Tekuto, DeD, Ba?im (russian letters), smosta). 2 of them were clueless feeders (probably because low skilled). In the opposite team, the average skill level was similar among the players. I've not checked how many were premade however.

General commentary: Please place premade groups against each other and fill the empty spots with bots or something. Premade groups are objectively ruining the matchmaking quality for everyone. I'm tired of this shit.
Match ID: 22421827
On the oppposing team there was a lash that went 20 kills 0 deaths. There were 3 people on my team without any kills. It was 7 kills total for our team, and the opposing team had 46 kills

From the very beginning we were down and never got close. I think it's related to a few people getting characters they don't normally play (I usually get shiv but got giest, somebody else said they never play pocket). I wish mmr was character related but I dunno.