Bad Matchmaking Thread


These 3 players: Kashi, Panini and Choí are eternus and always get put on matches with low elo players. How can you match eternus players with ritualists? It goes on and on and on. No wonder they are eternus, all they get are low elo players to go against with. Basically all their matches have a huge rank disparity.

These 3 players: Kashi, Panini and Choí are eternus and always get put on matches with low elo players. How can you match eternus players with ritualists? It goes on and on and on. No wonder they are eternus, all they get are low elo players to go against with. Basically all their matches have a huge rank disparity.
probably a party with one spoofed lowrank account, if this assumption is actually true it should be bannable.
34256615, 34255671, 34250064, 34223708, 34221827, 34217229, 34191112, 34187926, 34183901, 34183098, 34182364, 34181788, 34179695,

idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
Match ID: 34283076

Gey Talon - with 22 Hours play on Deadlock but play at Ritualis III??
----no spam skill, no movement trick just run and jump but play at Ritualist III?? either smurf account or distribution for skill is wrong?

While, Haze alwasy almost didnt join the war where he shooting from outside range. save her ulti for what?
34286019, again and i have to deal with it in lane. this guy shouldnt fucking be in this rank or lobby. get o
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.
ff your fucking ass.
34286711, cop[ying and pasting till we get fixes or else the game will die without any improvment
again and i have to deal with it in lane. this guy shouldnt fucking be in this rank or lobby. get o
idk whats going on but go back to 4 lanes, ever since the cahnge to three. Everey single game i have there is a duo lane who just fucking throws and is absolutely not suppose to be in the mmr at all. Like get off your fucking ass and fix this shit. How am i going from Phan 4 to O1 bc of others? thats fucking stupid as fuck and makes no sense when i feel my game sense and positioning has gotten way better from watching my games and improving. Meanwhile johnny two fuck and dumbass mcggine who are not suppose to be in the elo, get walked on and throw the game for the team and we can countered and destroyed. Fix this shit.