Dear Deadlock Team; Message 14: 4 Different images tell 4 different stories of how bad matchmaking is today. I played 5 games today and what do you know, I only won one where I had to play at least 30Mins+ but these other 4 games, phew. finished faster than you would take to acknowledge!. In 15minutes, the networth between both teams are already at least 25k. In just 15 MINUTES. You can say its a skill issue but when its with 15 other different teammates, surely it can't just be skill issue and instead its your bad matchmaking issue right?
I stand corrected, I played 8 matches today and lost 6 out of 8.
Lets dive into a deeper analysis of those games i lost that took me almost 30 minutes. For this below one, You really didn't provide me any help with teammates I see! you gave the enemy team at least 5 of them with positive KD whereas my team had to matchup against them and I had such a bad shiv and warden! no surprise there and my team's rank is 3 subrank higher btw(archon 2 vs emissary 5) and yet we still suffered.

Here is the 33 minute Loss, Will you look at that, i notice a pattern where my teammates with at least 3 of them will always have only 1 kill or 2 kill. and then you have me and one other random trying to help win the game but if you look at the enemy team, major difference!

Here is the 28Minute loss. What do you know, i got teammates that had only 1 kill, 0 surprisingly and 2!. and look at that damage in the span of 28 minutes. I will give you credit its the same rank v rank but are you sure the enemy is the same rank!? Your algorithm is improving in finding similar ranks but somehow the skill doesn't fit the rank which makes it a bad matchmaking.

Here are another 4 more SS I noticed before the 15 minute mark, and these images below are 4 other games than the 3 different images above! Wow would you look at that networth disparity. you guys really need to improve your matchmaking algorithm because you are getting feedback daily and I don't see you guys acknowledging it. If you guys just like it then we'll know you guys are listening and trying but so far, the feedback form after the game doesn't do shit.