Bad Matchmaking Thread

Currently Ranked around Emissary 6 - Archon 3, Friend is also ranked around Emissary 6 - Archon 3
Match 32888250: Q'd duo with friend and changed the matchmaker rule to prioritise Same Lane. Get put in two opposite lanes instead of with each other, and then the people in the other lanes are probably in the two bottom ranks, see the average rank above. This average rank is two tiers below the ritualist average rank on the enemy team and we got absolutely slaughtered. Friend and I would likely have been the highest ranking in our team, but some weights are too heavy to carry.
Region OCE

Dynamo runs in and feeds all the fucking time. What a shocker we lost because he was 0/8 in lane.

Enemy team has 3 Ritualist level players (two Rit 3 and a Rit 5) who are all higher level then me (Rit 1), so what the fuck is matchmaking doing making this an Arcanist 6 game?
One victory and one loss.

The Victory:
Infernus on the opponent team open admitted to this being their first match, and I'm almost certain it was Bebop's first, too, Was a total stomp on every lane except ours.

The Loss:
Pretty sure OUR Infernus and Yamato were new, with the former working off what I think was the Default build and the latter being off in Narnia while we were fighting for our lives to protect our Patron. Everyone on the other team was far and away above our skill.

Magician "helps" my lane on low health, steals Haze ult and I get him out. He runs back in and dies and because I have no escape I die too.

Vyper goes 1/13/3, Seven is 3/11/3, Magician 4/12/1, Warden 4/12/2, I went 3/3/3 vs a Paradox. What the hell is this matchmaking? You have 256 pages of information on it not working and yet you can't get balanced games out.

I really want to like this game but fuck me you guys make it hard when you're matchmaking is the weakest part of an otherwise good game. Fingers out your arse and get it fixed please.


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Oh and the Paradox called me a nigger for getting first blood on them. Are you going to do anything about that or just ignore that too?1739659477951.jpeg


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