27177229 possibly the best example of matchmaking not working i've encountered so far
i think they didn't even manage to get a single flex slot, half of our team just relaxed and did whatever because the enemy did not exist and put no pressure at all, no splitpushing, nothing
i keep getting matched into games with players who have less than 100 hours clocked in (when im at 400 and nowhere near that skill level) and its bizzare, not just the matchmaking but the fact that so many people just do not know basic mechanics after having played for so many hours.
every single player on the enemy team in this lobby had a private profile or didnt show gametime except for pocket, who had 247 hours in but apparently didnt understand the differences between solo and duo lanes??? how??? and talked like it was their first few games ever, im not sure if this is purchased accounts or what but being matchmade into these types of games is such a waste of time
another one: 27182950
two games after the previous one, this time i was the sandbag, got demolished in lane then couldnt get back and kept getting jumped by haze while playing janitor and trying to defend walkers, and just in general performing really poorly, but also most of my team was unable to do much of anything at all
third edit, RIGHT after the previous match: 27187891
not swearing at the devs but what the actual fuck is this matchmaking, yet again laned against some god gamer, team doesnt exist the entire game, no one talks, couldnt do shit around the map or in lanes and jungle gives less souls now, we briefly saw a glimpse of hope at like 18~20 minutes where we all grouped and deathballed for a total of 2 minutes then it went back to being beat down
this latest soul sharing change is exacerbating deathball meta and the unbalance in matchmaking and its extremely unfun
that's 3-4 games in a row (one wasnt posted because im not 100% certain it was unfair matchmaking), what the hell is going on. its straight up impossible to train my aim or learn new heroes currently, i just have to lock in my couple best heroes at all times just in hopes of being able to solo carry games, i really hope this will get fixed soon