Bad Matchmaking Thread

23569854, the team composition just made the whole match not fair at all, a long range comp with better characters against our middle of the road comp where we could have almost no counter play.
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matchid 23558138, this bebop feed so hard 11 deaths in 24 mins (no map awareness at all). want to try an experiment with bebop and suddenly saying he can't even lane. even with split pushing and few pick-offs i can't comeback because of his lower skill level.
match id 23569913 - teammates full of death, lesser objective goals-- doesn't even listen to commands and taking fights that are so disadvantageous.

complete wipes on other side. by the 10-minute mark we were down by two walkers and by 15 minutes we were down by whole 50k souls. I doubt we even secured an entire obj while the team bickered, and trash talked amongst themselves. valve pls fix (yes my performance wasn't the good either lol)
Deadlock 10_19_2024 10_25_37 AM.png

If you have a Seven who can't crack 10,000 souls in 20 mins, you have a problem. Legit, some players are actually super dogshit, and I am annoyed that I get games where my teammates might as well be playing with the worst bots in existence.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Streamer smurf acct vs new players

I'm in Western Europe and got 4 Russians on the team in ranked. It's an atrocious experience.
They refuse to communicate or cooperate, teabag non-russian teammates when they die and write stuff like "english = trash" in chat and actively grief EU players.

Something needs to be done to separate the two regions like in League of Legends. Putting together two groups of people who are at war with each other is a horrible social dynamic. They seem extremely malicious towards EU people and want to do everything in their power to ruin the experience for them.
Why am i playing ranked with guys who has 100 hours, i was playing with top 100 players yesterday ( i had good winstreak), but today i am playing with new players (now i have 8 lose streak cuz of this) (Match id wtih new players: 23626398, 23635665, 23607719, 23600743; Match id with good players: 23551150, 23547544, 23411868, 23403946, 23351077). Why should I lose in ranked, just because the game decided to throw me into the lobby with weak players for up to 200 hours for no reason, while I have 800

). Red screenshot with 100-200 hours players, Green screenshot i played with top 100 players.

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So just played a ranked match where we had a total of 6 kills vs enemy teams 31.
70k vs 125k.
The enemy team was: Abrams, Lash, Warden, Haze, Vindicta and Macginnis.
Our team was: Mirage, Wraith, Infernus, Paradox, Seven and Viscous

See a pattern? One side has almost only tanks and snipers while the other is all midrange. One team has 1 CC while the other has 4 CCs.

Guess what happens when you can get stunned under turret over and over while snipers can shoot you for free? I'm playing Paradox and we can't even get the second 500 points item because Warden stuns me under turret while Vindicta is flying out of range in the air. This happened not just once, but 4 times. I was even playing close to Walker after first kill to try to minimize the damage, but that meant I fell behind and died even faster. I tried to farm camps to get back somewhat, but as they pushed my lane in, moved to another where I can't fight them due to their lead, them pushing that lane in and so on, I couldn't even farm jungle camps. If you get a matchup which isn't defined by skill but just because some heroes have way, way higher synergy or cc, you wont even be able to play.


ID: 23632734

How in the H do you expect people to play a mode called "Competitive" when your matchmaker can't even make a decent role matchup? I've played 2 games of ranked but I will wait until the matchmaker have the slighest integrity
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ID 23630476

My teammates weren't necessarily much stronger than me, but my entire team seemed to be much weaker/lower in skill than me. Just a quick look at the results screen should convey that I think.
match 23634808 - the enemy were too strong, literally 6x5 played the whole game and still lost, Seven just farmed the whole map and did not participate in fights at all, and even so we were much weaker