Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 23417264

Ridiculously easy. No challenge at all. Both the enemy Infernus and Seven didn't seem to know what they were doing at all, and thus fed us massively. Just an absolute steamroll. Only the enemy Lady Geist seemed to be the only one on the enemy team who seemed to know what they were doing, but were obviously hindered by their teammates.

Don't normally post these games because I'm testing character/builds, but my god
two teammates went 0-6, one of them rage quit
The first egregiously bad match I've had: 23418856

134k to 68k souls and ended at 18:40. It was a complete mismatch. Some fun stats include our 0-14-0 Seven with 10.5k souls that must have been brand new to the game and their 19-0-6 Wraith with 27k souls that completely dominated. I had the most souls on our team, and all but one opponent had more souls than me.
I don't know if it's specifically because of the 11/10 patch or a matchmaking change, but I stopped being able to win with ANY hero. I can understand the Grey Talon not working, but it really felt like the fun was patched out of the game.

This match encapsulates it perfectly: 23385533

The following screenshots are subsequent, you can point out exactly the day it happened.

View attachment 24953View attachment 24952

Thanks for the amazing game, I hope you guys can figure this out.
"but it really felt like the fun was patched out of the game." I had a thought incredibly similar to this a few days ago, I just chalked it up to being bad at the game or something. It is sad to see it but nice to hear someone else with the same thought to know it's at least not just me .-.

Love this game. Hope this turns around.

Game felt like I was matched much worse than usual. This was my first ever bebop game, and it was such a brutal slaughter that there was no chance of victory, even if i played well.

just kinda felt outclassed all around. i died 12 times with 1 kill and a few assists. the wraith had 0 kills. the enemy team got carried by the kelvin. It was the kind of game where you mentally checked out after the 15 minute mark but still participate till the end so you don't get penalized for leaving.

Didn't played for a week then tried the first time playing ranked mode thinking that it would be almost balanced as the quick games I've played before (They felt really balanced actually).

This one was different. Got absolutelly destroyed. Never in hundred games I felt I was against opponents such better. From the first minute I could feel the absolute abyss between me and random teammate vs them

They were much, much better, in mechanics and game sense