Bad Matchmaking Thread

id — 23336454

My second game is ranked and throws similar players. Not only was I just shocked by what they were doing. I was banned from the chat until November 3rd. Maybe I was being overly negative. But mostly I was just asking why you were playing so badly and asking you to finish it as soon as possible. Honestly, I thought that everything in the ranking would change with the selection. But it got even worse, besides, I will get banned for a whole month for "toxicity". Thanks, but I'd better save my time and never play this game again.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
WATCH ID:23344890
the heroes in 2 sides are not balanced. the enemy team beat us easily because we have 4 heroes that needs farm and we have no ability to resist their attack in the early game. and it's not about the ability of our team. it's just our heroes are week in the early game.
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matchid 23339621: just players who dc-ed just because they are being stomped. all teammates quit.
match id: 23343554

1729257854298.pngRANKED GAME: when this mo and krill says rank is boring, doesn't even have objective damage and suddenly doesn't help with team fights just because teammates where having teamfight in one lane and no one helped in his lane. also, i don't get the track lock but i tried to check the matchmaking our lash has way lower rating compared to all players in this lobby.
I even think it's divine punishment, I don't know what I did to deserve this, look at this team, chosen by God to make me lose.
this is a crazy pattern, and i doubt i'm the only one who experiences this. win one game, then get steam rolled in the next games. it's hard to get a consistent win.

i got banned already for talking cause i can't properly communicate with my teammates (they're chinese, i'm not. i'm always grouped with chinese people due to server limitations)
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I have exactly the same experience, with exactly the same win/loss ratio. This is just crazy. I'm not saying I'm good or anything. I might was well be terrible, but after the October 10 update, the matchmaking seems outrageous, and it's just not fun to play at all.
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My MMR is constantly to low and not improving. I played a ton of League of Legends, CS:GO and Valorant and I feel like i'm playing against people without basic understanding of the game and bad skill (aim/movement)
22940904 - Felt like there were three or four players who were in an entirely different order of magnitude skill level then me, on my team and enemy team. I should not have been in this match at all.
21946169 - A bit closer than the previously listed, but still felt poorly mismatched like I was being placed above where I should have been.

Games have also been incredibly toxic in the last week or so, as one of the not really great players likely making other people's games worse; please revert whatever was done to matchmaking so I can get put in with the trash like I belong until I improve. 🙏
I don't know if it's specifically because of the 11/10 patch or a matchmaking change, but I stopped being able to win with ANY hero. I can understand the Grey Talon not working, but it really felt like the fun was patched out of the game.

This match encapsulates it perfectly: 23385533

The following screenshots are subsequent, you can point out exactly the day it happened.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 144651.pngScreenshot 2024-10-15 144644.png

Thanks for the amazing game, I hope you guys can figure this out.
russians shitting up every single game they're a majority in on EU. incredible. when is that 'bug' being squashed? VPN to circumvent playing with your own countrymen cause not even you can fucking stand playing with yourselves.
What is this matchmaking doing, I was on equal terms with the enemy in my lane but after I left it I couldn't play anymore, the enemies in the other lanes had gained an absurd advantage over my teammates, I have the same amount of souls as the pocket that was in my lane but look at the money of the other enemies, 8k, 11k advantage, it became impossible to kill them, only the lash of my team who fell against a horrible mcginnis in the lane managed to stay well in the match, I only died twice in my lane while the lanes on the side died 8/10 times, I don't understand this matchmaking.

The organization of the other team, and their macro play absolutely took off. Our team mostly quiet, often split, low coms (even when I tried) compared to how well organized their team was and their mindfulness of staying back, avoiding fights, and farming their lategame carrys they have over our lineup was just smart good strategy on them. But they were so well organized with it, it felt like we couldn't do much. Matchup wise the game felt like a loss in the late, and the enemy was just so polished. One of the hardest games I've played in the end. We are talking about over an 100k soul advantage lol. Def a match worth digging into.

Match ID: 23410917 October 18
Ranked game.
A one-sided game where the allied heroes on dual lanes were not weak, and on single lanes they were even stronger than their opponents. But the players were clearly weaker than their opponents and lost absolutely all lanes.


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