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A lot of heroes have a bilities that you basically want to dump on people. Use all your abilities in an order as soon as you engage type stuff. Asmodeus works entirely differently having next to 0 ability synergy and the complete inability to use multiple abilities in quick succession. In return his abilities are quite powerful.
Base Stats
Health 600
Regen 2
Stamina 3
Speed 7.5
Sprint 1
Essence Burst
Shoots 4 pellet shotgun in a tight spread.
5.5 damage per pellet
3 shots per second.
66 DPS.
Ammo 15
Bullet velocity 500
+38 health
+0.333 weapon damage.
Spirit resist +1%.
Ability 1. Condemn
Cooldown 35 seconds.
When you use this ability you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Throw a bolt at 60 meters per second.
Damage 75, spirit scaling 1.2. damage is doubled past 20 meters.
Upgrade 1. Cooldown -13 seconds
Upgrade 2. +60 damage and +0.6 spirit scaling.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -8 seconds. Applies 2 seconds silence.
Ability 2. Judge
Cooldown 21 seconds.
When you use this ability you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Dash 8 meters forward, stunning anyone you hit for 0.5 seconds and dealing 100 damage. Spirit scaling 1.
Stun time scales with how much hp you're missing. 50% equals 1 second.
Spirit scaling on damage scales with hp lost, 50% equals 1 Spirit scaling.
Upgrade 1. Heal 10% of maximum health per target hit.
Upgrade 2. +0.5 seconds stun time.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -7 seconds.
Ability 3. Destiny
Bullets apply stacks of potential spirit damage, 2 each. Degrades at 1 stack per second.
When you hit someone with an ability their stacks proc. Spirit scaling 0.02.
Upgrade 1. +50% lifesteal from Destiny stacks.
Upgrade 2. Stacks have +1.5 Spirit damage.
Upgrade 3. While silenced gain +30% firerate.
Ability 4. Word of power
Cooldown 110
When you use word of power you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Affects an area up to 4 meters behind and to the sides of you, 45 degree angle forward up to 15 meters.
Curse enemies hit for 1 second, silence for 5.
Deal 1.5% of their maximum HP as damage every second they're silenced. Scales 0.02% with spirit.
Upgrade 1. +1 meter behind and to the side, +5 meters forward.
Upgrade 2. +1.5% maximum HP damage.
Upgrade 3. Passive. While silenced gain +80 Regen and +15% bullet and spirit resist.
Base Stats
Health 600
Regen 2
Stamina 3
Speed 7.5
Sprint 1
Essence Burst
Shoots 4 pellet shotgun in a tight spread.
5.5 damage per pellet
3 shots per second.
66 DPS.
Ammo 15
Bullet velocity 500
+38 health
+0.333 weapon damage.
Spirit resist +1%.
Ability 1. Condemn
Cooldown 35 seconds.
When you use this ability you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Throw a bolt at 60 meters per second.
Damage 75, spirit scaling 1.2. damage is doubled past 20 meters.
Upgrade 1. Cooldown -13 seconds
Upgrade 2. +60 damage and +0.6 spirit scaling.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -8 seconds. Applies 2 seconds silence.
Ability 2. Judge
Cooldown 21 seconds.
When you use this ability you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Dash 8 meters forward, stunning anyone you hit for 0.5 seconds and dealing 100 damage. Spirit scaling 1.
Stun time scales with how much hp you're missing. 50% equals 1 second.
Spirit scaling on damage scales with hp lost, 50% equals 1 Spirit scaling.
Upgrade 1. Heal 10% of maximum health per target hit.
Upgrade 2. +0.5 seconds stun time.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -7 seconds.
Ability 3. Destiny
Bullets apply stacks of potential spirit damage, 2 each. Degrades at 1 stack per second.
When you hit someone with an ability their stacks proc. Spirit scaling 0.02.
Upgrade 1. +50% lifesteal from Destiny stacks.
Upgrade 2. Stacks have +1.5 Spirit damage.
Upgrade 3. While silenced gain +30% firerate.
Ability 4. Word of power
Cooldown 110
When you use word of power you are silenced for 8 seconds.
Affects an area up to 4 meters behind and to the sides of you, 45 degree angle forward up to 15 meters.
Curse enemies hit for 1 second, silence for 5.
Deal 1.5% of their maximum HP as damage every second they're silenced. Scales 0.02% with spirit.
Upgrade 1. +1 meter behind and to the side, +5 meters forward.
Upgrade 2. +1.5% maximum HP damage.
Upgrade 3. Passive. While silenced gain +80 Regen and +15% bullet and spirit resist.
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