Artist Lily


New member

Main weapon: Paint can and a brush that shoots drops of paint (swings) and reloads by dipping the brush into the paint can. When the paint hits an enemy, the paint remains on the ground for a while.

1 Ability "Splash" - Lily splashes paint from the can in front of her, slowing the enemy and applying silence. The paint remains on the ground for a while.

2 Ability "Ball"- Lily draws a ball in front of her and launches it along the ground (rolling, the ball leaves a trail of paint behind it). The ball passes through candles, dealing damage to them and explodes, hitting an enemy hero and splashing drops of paint around that deal 50% of the damage of the ball. (The ball can be detonated in advance)

3 Ability "Inspiration"- when activated, Lily takes out a second brush, her attack speed and reload speed increase. (Passive) - While on paint, Lily has no penalty to slowing down when shooting and her stamina is not spent on dodging.

4 Ability "Finishing touch" - Lily draws and launches a rocket at a specified area. Lily can also ride the rocket, which will allow her to control it and fly much further. (A large area of paint remains at the site of the explosion).
I could see more paint reservoirs and tubes and a back mounted canvas and easel to really tie the character into the 1920s techy theme
I dont think this fits in a shooter noir game.
Also silence and slow on an AoE ability thats not an ultimate is way too strong.
The rocket is strangely out of character, did the inspiration come from Jinx from league of legends?

This would probably be a decent suggestion for Overwatch though.
I dont think this fits in a shooter noir game.
Also silence and slow on an AoE ability thats not an ultimate is way too strong.
The rocket is strangely out of character, did the inspiration come from Jinx from league of legends?

This would probably be a decent suggestion for Overwatch though.
Yes, I mostly agree with you. Although, if she were given a more noir appearance and some more abilities, perhaps the artist would be a good character, but, yes, in this form she is definitely not suitable :)
Yes, I mostly agree with you. Although, if she were given a more noir appearance and some more abilities, perhaps the artist would be a good character, but, yes, in this form she is definitely not suitable :)
I could see her using a pistol and a paintbrush, using the brush to paint with spirit power. Creating effects that turn real, like creatures and objects.
I could see her using a pistol and a paintbrush, using the brush to paint with spirit power. Creating effects that turn real, like creatures and objects.
What if she was a strong sculptor ? She throws small clay as a gun or some clay gun, and when she rolls her ball or splash her ult is like Lilia where she has them set in stone if she has hit them in some seconds ? Was thinking how to make it fit more into the noir ny thing
I think if you have a painter character, they have to be a tormented psycho. I've thought about working on an ability where you can Splatoon the level. It could be cool but there has to be a really strong, salient mechanic to back it up, I think. I'm not convinced by the idea that you have more ammo or stamina on that area. I think the area probably has to be harmful rather than helpful to be convincing, so that you're not just trying to camp an area. That's my instinct.