Valve Developer
- Increased horizontal soul orb movement a bit
- Soul Orb spawn delay increased a bit and added some variability
- Neutrals soul values reduced by 15% (including Sinner's Sacrifice)
- Sinner's Sacrifice spawn/respawn time increased from 8/4 minutes to 10/5
- Mid Neutral Camp respawn time increased from 5 minutes to 6 minutes
- Golden Statue Buffs adjustments
- Level 1 Ammo reduced from 4% to 3%
- Level 2 Ammo reduced from 6% to 5%
- Level 3 Ammo reduced from 8% to 7%
- Level 1 HP reduced from 20 to 15
- Level 2 HP reduced from 30 to 25
- Level 3 HP reduced from 40 to 35
- Level 3 Weapon Power reduced from 7% to 6%
- Level 3 Spirit reduced from 5 to 4
- Minor respawn curve adjustments
- Holliday: Powder Keg T2 decreased from +120 to +100
- Holliday: Bounce Pad cooldown increased from 37s to 41s
- Holliday: Bounce Pad T1 is now T2
- Holliday: Bounce Pad New T1 is -10s cooldown
- Holliday: Bounce Pad T2 is now T3. Removed T3 Stun
- Haze: Bullet Dance bonus damage is now weapon damage instead of spirit
- Sinclair: Assistant damage now follows his gun's falloff range
- Sinclair: Assistant base damage reduced from 30 to 20
- Cold Front: No longer does double damage to creeps
- Soul Orb spawn delay increased a bit and added some variability
- Neutrals soul values reduced by 15% (including Sinner's Sacrifice)
- Sinner's Sacrifice spawn/respawn time increased from 8/4 minutes to 10/5
- Mid Neutral Camp respawn time increased from 5 minutes to 6 minutes
- Golden Statue Buffs adjustments
- Level 1 Ammo reduced from 4% to 3%
- Level 2 Ammo reduced from 6% to 5%
- Level 3 Ammo reduced from 8% to 7%
- Level 1 HP reduced from 20 to 15
- Level 2 HP reduced from 30 to 25
- Level 3 HP reduced from 40 to 35
- Level 3 Weapon Power reduced from 7% to 6%
- Level 3 Spirit reduced from 5 to 4
- Minor respawn curve adjustments
- Holliday: Powder Keg T2 decreased from +120 to +100
- Holliday: Bounce Pad cooldown increased from 37s to 41s
- Holliday: Bounce Pad T1 is now T2
- Holliday: Bounce Pad New T1 is -10s cooldown
- Holliday: Bounce Pad T2 is now T3. Removed T3 Stun
- Haze: Bullet Dance bonus damage is now weapon damage instead of spirit
- Sinclair: Assistant damage now follows his gun's falloff range
- Sinclair: Assistant base damage reduced from 30 to 20
- Cold Front: No longer does double damage to creeps