Yamato's first and third ability

Design wise it seems that Yamato's third ability is more offensive in nature. It heals and applies a very large attack-speed debuff. Her first ability is her signature nuke and has more utility when playing cautiously. A very common Yamato play would be to grapple an enemy, hit them with the third ability to prevent retaliation and hit them in the arse with her first ability as they run away.

Unfortunately her first ability has a slow effect, while her third has a heal. This often feels a little conflicting. A heal is nice on an ability that has utility when playing defensively, which her third ability is not designed around. Her first ability however is - as it is a poke. It's also very strange to open with her first ability as you want to proc the attack-speed slow on her third first, making the slow feel strange.

I suggest simply swapping the upsides around: give her first ability the 10% heal and give her third ability the slow.
I have agonized over Crimson Slash for a while but I don't think this is the move. Crimson Slash is extremely low damage but has strong potential with self healing. It even scales way better with healing than damage while none of the levels boost it from its unlock level. I believe the intention is to jump in, start with Power Slash as they should still be slowed from Flying Strike, then Crimson Slash to recover any damage during the process while reducing their likeliness to succeed if they want to keep fighting. Remember that Power Slash has damage reduction as one of the perks. When you get enough weapon damage, the boost from Flying Strike should make going for Power Slash less mandatory for kills which allows you to Crimson Slash more often on engagements.

Also, I think having the slow on a move that can become massive via Improved Reach can result in a ridiculous scenario. Especially when you factor in how low the cool down gets. That should be the kind of thing reserved for a skill shot. Yamato's ability list is surprisingly delicate with how it fits together and it becomes difficult to move or alter anything without her entire gameplay changing. I would suggest the cool down reduction on Crimson Slash should be swapped for the health percentage with the health percentage being buffed to 15% of max and tone down how extreme the cool down reduction is. As is, the healing is pretty good but it simply isn't comparable to Alchemical Flash on Warden which has similar properties outside of the life steal. I think if that is made to be its standout feature, it would feel a lot better.
I have agonized over Crimson Slash for a while but I don't think this is the move. Crimson Slash is extremely low damage but has strong potential with self healing. It even scales way better with healing than damage while none of the levels boost it from its unlock level. I believe the intention is to jump in, start with Power Slash as they should still be slowed from Flying Strike, then Crimson Slash to recover any damage during the process while reducing their likeliness to succeed if they want to keep fighting. Remember that Power Slash has damage reduction as one of the perks. When you get enough weapon damage, the boost from Flying Strike should make going for Power Slash less mandatory for kills which allows you to Crimson Slash more often on engagements.

Also, I think having the slow on a move that can become massive via Improved Reach can result in a ridiculous scenario. Especially when you factor in how low the cool down gets. That should be the kind of thing reserved for a skill shot. Yamato's ability list is surprisingly delicate with how it fits together and it becomes difficult to move or alter anything without her entire gameplay changing. I would suggest the cool down reduction on Crimson Slash should be swapped for the health percentage with the health percentage being buffed to 15% of max and tone down how extreme the cool down reduction is. As is, the healing is pretty good but it simply isn't comparable to Alchemical Flash on Warden which has similar properties outside of the life steal. I think if that is made to be its standout feature, it would feel a lot better.
I have tried that, but opening with her first ability feels finicky to say the least. It is very easy to avoid if the opponent moves at a small radius from your channeling.

I must admit I never much considered the bullet resistance from an offensive perspective, so perhaps it is indeed what the developers intended with her. It just doesn't play well to me. The whole hero has this somewhat conflicting kit in the sense that slash feels like little to no reward for grappling in, making the grapple feel like giving up your mid-range, where you truly do shine trading wise.

She definitely needs some kind of changing.