Wrath Pitch (an ACME finbomb)

Weapon T3 (maybe T4) grants move speed & gun damage. Activated to launch with a brief animation (cue Liberty Prime's mini-nuke toss) a slower exploding projectile in the player's pointed direction. Intended for being thrown tall as one engages, the explosion's radii scale asymptotically with its time in the air
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do you mean asymmetrically? tbh thats still kinda the wrong word, you mean like it gets smaller the longer its in the air? an inverse relation to its hangtime?
do you mean asymmetrically? tbh thats still kinda the wrong word, you mean like it gets smaller the longer its in the air? an inverse relation to its hangtime?
Its scales asymptomatically what do you want from the man. Are you saying the scaling SHOULD show symptoms?
Trading an unfortunate homonym for a fun one, HateBall is a better name. But rounding the shape to earn that would probably make the bomb look too much like a Fat Man: Maybe a classic spherical (& a backwards-burning "fuse" to sell the scale to airtime?)
Weapon T3 (or possibly T4) Upgrade:

This upgrade grants increased movement speed and enhanced gun damage. Upon activation, the weapon launches a slow-moving explosive projectile in the direction the player is aiming. The launch is accompanied by a brief animation, reminiscent of Liberty Prime’s iconic mini-nuke toss.

Designed for high-impact engagements, this projectile is best thrown at a height, allowing it to gain momentum. The explosion radius grows exponentially the longer the projectile stays airborne, rewarding careful timing and strategic placement for devastating area damage when it lands.
A GW2-Adventure-Box-ish fuse animation on a ye olde black powder sphere "burns" with visual noise proportional to a flat render 3/4 meter that fills with an eggtimer ding over a growing minecraft-creeper-hiss. For replay rulings' sanity, up to 3 concentric circles fade with the final explosion's mushroom firestorm-cloud. Or 1 circle with a muted animation & foley when thrown at one's feet (eg mid-fight) for minimum damage. Still feeling the name Hateball