Why McGinnis is very bad?

Like i said. she is not meant to. her design is static and slow and steady you push foward with space control and sustain (get hp with max heal and you tank teams). but you can build her to be an infernus flank, that's fine, its just not tied to her core concept.

Kind of how in dota each hero can transform to a different character upon unlocking specific items. Beastmaster with 2 auras or beast with aghs blink is a different character.
you missing the point, she can only fight in advantageous position, and she is strong in that. while people can just ignore her, or take out her turrets without receiving damage. She cant just chase people and 1v1 them everywhere like most heroes do.
I think you're the one missing the point here. You're just... wrong. If you ignore McGinnis you don't have a base anymore, and that's just all there is to it.

She can chase. She can 1v1. These are just... facts.

Can she chase as well or as effectively as some other heroes? No, of course not. Nor should she. Not every hero needs to be a speed demon ganker. This doesn't make her bad or mean she's useless or that she can't chase at all. It just means she has her own unique playstyle and kit, which, just to be as clear as I can, is a good thing. Dynamic heroes and gameplay and versatile styles are fun. If a certain hero's playstyle or kit isn't for you... that's ok. Not all of them will be. That's normal.

I hate Geist. I can't play her style to save my life. I don't think her kit is bad or underpowered, though. I simply recognize it isn't for me.

I also notice you completely ignore half of what I say anyway so I think I'm probably done trying to discuss this with you, as I suspect you might be arguing either from a place of ignorance or simply in bad faith. Either way I find the circular discussion and ignoring reality tiresome, so... good luck to you. 👋
I personally don't feel like McGinnis is bad, though I do believe there can still be some changes made to improve her identity as a hero. The biggest issue I see is that McGinnis's play style does not fit in well in the current deadlock meta. While there are no official roles in the game there are still different heroes better suited for different things. Heroes like haze and wraith have kits suited for dealing damage and securing kills while other heros like dynamo and Moe & Krill affect fights in the later stages of the game by locking down enemies (this is an oversimplified example.)

McGinnis has a kit that is well suited for 'setting up shop' in an area and making it more dangerous for enemies to enter the area she is set up in. Thanks to her turrets she also is well suited for split-pushing. That doesn't mean she can't be built/played for high mobility or damage potential, but if those are your goals chances are there are other heroes that can do that but better.

MgGinnis's turrets do a good job at providing an extra source of damage that is good for both split pushing and for defending a specific area, not sure if the fire rate/damage is perfect but that can obviously be tweaked. Her ult is also a great tool for zoning enemies away from an area, assuming you are not super far behind when it is active enemies will either want to cancel the channel or avoid the area while its up. The heal doesnt acomplish either of these objectives but that doesn't inherently mean it needs to be changed and if you are in a situation with a lot of poke damage it can be used to keep you entrenched for longer.

The wall can be an ok tool for preventing enemies from entering your 'zone' or from blocking off your escape route as you flee, but I think this is her weakest ability. Because McGinnis doesn't have any mobility options besides what every hero has in their kit already other heroes that do have this can often times catch up to McGinnis after the wall goes down, or in some cases they can get around it via an alt route/going over the top.

Deadlock in its current meta is a very fast paced game with mobility that lets you travel all around the map very quickly. With 4 lanes even if McGinnis is entrenched somewhere unless it is her own base or midboss enemies can just rotate and focus on pushing a different objective instead of dealing with her. When she pushes with teammates she provides extra damage and some healing but no extra cc and in terms of other damage oriented heroes we aren't lacking in options. If she split pushes to apply pressure on the enemies she is vulnerable to getting chased down and killed due to her lack of mobility options.

If I wanted to fix this what I might due is swap her wall ability for a "stun mine" of sorts. Its still tech themed enough to fit her kit thematically. It would essentially trigger upon an enemy getting close enough to it (perhaps after a short arming period upon placing it), and then stun enemy within a radius of it for a certain duration. Doing this wouldn't give her a mobility option but would stop the enemies mobility in a more proactive way as if stunned they couldn't give chase. They could of course move around it before it activated. similar to the wall so getting the stun timing right would be important and using it in tight spaces makes it stronger. The key difference though is that it wouldn't block you or your allies sightlines when used so you could combo it with active items to further lock down the enemy and if you used it while pushing with your team it can help to secure kills similar to other CC. If you gave multiple charges it can be used in addition to the turrets to truly lock down an area even if people move fast.

This wouldn't solve the problem of enemies moving to a different objective but would hopefully stengthen her teamplay value and splitpushing escape tools.

Sorry for the ramble but these are my two cents on why McGinnis feels a but underwhelming compared to other heroes and a potential solution to change this. At the end of the day though I don't think she is so weak that if you do enjoy her you cannot play her/find success anyways, it is just a bit trickier than with other heroes.
Deadlock in its current meta is a very fast paced game with mobility that lets you travel all around the map very quickly.
One thing to note is she is still slipery as her turrets put you on cd for sprint but not her so she can just run and slow you with them.

They also offer her lifesteal so with a spirit build its actually very hard to stop a mxginnis split alot as she dances in circles while having 2 heals that heal based on max hp that she stacks some like leech and you are justtaking the turrets that do hurt with her having spirit.

if you play her kinda like natures prophet, specially in the chaos of pubs you go a long way. her tf due to her need of front to back is where it falls but unless you have assassin keys to press if she can create distance spam dashing and turret slowing into a building a wall can just make her get out. I had this happen to me today actually. I informed the team, but that sometimes helps sometimes doesnt, and while we were ahead we slowly bleed to her push and we ended up having our base exposed, lost a fight lost the game.
One thing to note is she is still slipery as her turrets put you on cd for sprint but not her so she can just run and slow you with them.

Sure, and I'm not saying she can't be slippery/doesn't have mobility options but she does have less mobility than other decent split push Heroes like Ivy who can use her ult to escape. Turrets proccing sprint cd certainly helps but it wont affect things like Majestic Leap, blinks, dashes, etc. She is certainly still a viable hero and doesn't need a complete rework but some small changes can help her to fit into the meta a bit better.
Look here, she absolutely can just chase people down, I don't even use her turrets in most games anymore lol and just build for speed/bullet damage:
what i saw in first clip is guy in clip being ahead by tier 4 item in souls worth against closest enemy souls worth. And you just chased a guy 1v3. He is not going to fight without his ult or something else. Every hero can do gang up on anybody, as long as odds in their favor, also there.
Same thing in second clip. If im being that much ahead and have odds in my favor i can go the same with every hero, only thing is that in second clip you contributed a cc to a guy, but he dodged. Mcginnis cant chase people only trap them in certain positions or defend or push objectives.

People wont fight back unless they think they can win. Winning there with their characters was out of question. Both cases are just results of snowballing.