mcginnis stuff

if someone follows you into the side alley: block off the alley
if they follow you into a building: block the door

you dont need a million years, you only need the 3 or 4 seconds necessary to break line of sight and hit a zip line
or heck, take ...oh dang i just got an idea, you could do veil walker mcginnis....that sounds fun as heck imma try it lmao
if you go into a building they wrap to the other entrance. if you go into an alley they take the other alley right next to it. they are faster than you, and now your wall is gone so you're gonna be really easy to kill. veil walker sounds interesting, not sure what would be worth giving up to have it though.
bebop's hook and sleep dagger are single target abilities, not a giant wall. abram's charge can be useful but doesn't much match the insane potential of a well-placed wall. the best ability comparison is kelvin's ult, the snow-dome which also has insane potential for both objectives, rejuv, and teamfights. I'm not even asking for mcginnis nerfs (not here anyway lol), I just find the idea that she's weak or needs a kit rework is crazy, she's extremely powerful and she requires tradeoffs (mobility) for that strength.
the tradeoff is she has no burst damage or movement abilities. she can't react to anything, she's a CC magnet. if someone ambushes you as mcginnis, you can't face the challenge, you have to make space to set up your turret and heal, and get a wall in there. if you wall early to stop their approach, you won't have it when they find another way around it. if you don't wall early, they rush you down. all she can really do is hope the enemy puts themselves in a bad position. if you use the wall to stun them and block their escape, now you're stuck with them in close range and they can just hit you with their much better stun ability and then use their high damage abilities on you and you're gonna lose that fight. or they'll just ult on you, and your ult is terrible so you just die. playing mcginnis revolves entirely around when you place the wall because nothing else in your kit will save you if you're ambushed, but the wall is easily countered. all mcginnis has other than her wall is her gun, but shooting is not nearly as effective as a good ability in this game. you have to play incredibly cowardly, and your gun & turrets are trash unless you have a big farm lead, which is tedious and boring. her abilities are only good in a teamfight where the enemy isn't really paying attention to her. but if you stick with the team, you can't split push. if you wanna split push, there are better heroes. if you wanna help your team, there are better heroes.
I think the frustration I'm reading is there's a perspective versus reality gap. I'm not a MOBA player, this will be my first but it seems like from a MOBA perspective she has elements that make her really stronger. However, I think from a shooter player perspective elements of her build are not satisfying in the fight unless you build a very particular way, which is not very intuitive for a "beginner friendly character"

I think I mostly agree with Iarwillemsens' assessment but I think that there could likely be a QOL improvement if, before rev up McGinnis gun started more accurate and then bloomed with rev speed. I also think a right click rev would be good, but I disagree with mobility buffs. She needs to have a core weakness and I think mobility is a good one for her high damage archetype.

I think what I would like to see is maybe a change to scaling or reordering of her wall upgrades. The first to give her some more flexible play and the second to give stun for wall sooner as I think that may be her best part of her kit.
I think the frustration I'm reading is there's a perspective versus reality gap. I'm not a MOBA player, this will be my first but it seems like from a MOBA perspective she has elements that make her really stronger. However, I think from a shooter player perspective elements of her build are not satisfying in the fight unless you build a very particular way, which is not very intuitive for a "beginner friendly character"

I think I mostly agree with Iarwillemsens' assessment but I think that there could likely be a QOL improvement if, before rev up McGinnis gun started more accurate and then bloomed with rev speed. I also think a right click rev would be good, but I disagree with mobility buffs. She needs to have a core weakness and I think mobility is a good one for her high damage archetype.

I think what I would like to see is maybe a change to scaling or reordering of her wall upgrades. The first to give her some more flexible play and the second to give stun for wall sooner as I think that may be her best part of her kit.
she just isn't as strong as some people are saying she is
I think the frustration I'm reading is there's a perspective versus reality gap. I'm not a MOBA player, this will be my first but it seems like from a MOBA perspective she has elements that make her really stronger. However, I think from a shooter player perspective elements of her build are not satisfying in the fight unless you build a very particular way, which is not very intuitive for a "beginner friendly character"

I think I mostly agree with Iarwillemsens' assessment but I think that there could likely be a QOL improvement if, before rev up McGinnis gun started more accurate and then bloomed with rev speed. I also think a right click rev would be good, but I disagree with mobility buffs. She needs to have a core weakness and I think mobility is a good one for her high damage archetype.

I think what I would like to see is maybe a change to scaling or reordering of her wall upgrades. The first to give her some more flexible play and the second to give stun for wall sooner as I think that may be her best part of her kit.
this is accurate

she DOES have a good gun: but if you only play into her gun, you will find she lags behind other characters whos guns are even better. ((bearing in mind of course, with enough gun items she WILL do just fine or even Excell) She is not a run and gun character.

But her kit is EXCELLENT for actually playing the moba elements of the game.

her wall is wide enough to fill a lane completely, edge to edge anywhere that isnt directly mid zone.
it blocks projectiles , beams, and movement
they have to spend resources ((move ment ability cooldowns, stamina, etc)) getting around the wall IF they can get around at all. ((which is routinly not the case, especially without superior stamina))
The turrets **hurt** and require significant investment to take down when you are at parity with someone for items.

Deadlock is a OBJECTIVES based game, not a DEATHMATCH
Killcount matters less then who has more walkers left on the field.
50 hours in the game so far.

I think that McGinnis is the most busted character in the game. The difference between a good and poor McGinnis, is whether you know how to use your walls.

Weapon: Slowing bullets + toxic bullets + intensifying magazine + point blank + long range + basic magazine.
Vitality: Extra regen + Combat barrier + Enchanter's barrier ( optional ) + Reactive barrier ( optional ) + boots ( tier 1 or 2 ).
Spirit: Extra charge + Mystic Reach.

Early game, focus on 1v1 and taking down towers. Wall plenty ( to annoy your enemy ) - try and hit your walls with 100% accuracy.

Plant turrets on the incline of steps - use them as your personal bodyguard ( to hinder assassination attempts ).
Peddle backwards to use rocket barrage.

I just went 10-3 in a winning game with McGinnis, 13 K objective damage. The enemy team sent in Yamato and the best Geist that I've seen in the game, to try and assassinate me ( I was soloing lanes ).

Edit: the funniest thing is during the end game, where we sieged the enemy team ( the giant ball thingy that you have to kill ), people were trying to use the murder holes to drop down into the pit, for guerilla warfare, and then running back to clamber back up the murder hole, so I had this idea to send a wall in and I squished some girl to death.
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none of that works until late game once you're super fed. the wall only stuns when it's maxxed and it's so incredibly short that it doesn't even complete the stun animation unless you get superior duration. so little that it's hardly relevant, especially since everyone has dubuff resist at a minimum which completely negates it due to how short it is. but yeah, technically when you totally max out mcginnis at late game, you have the worst stun available to any hero that is so short that it might as well not stun at all. your solution is: mandatory items. other heroes have abilities that are just good. they get better as you do, but they start out good. mcginnis' abilities are pretty mediocre until you farm the hell out of her. so why bother? just play someone else who is good from the start and will be more receptive to the farm.
The wall stuns late game, sure, but it seperates teams and traps people from the start. Throw down a turret, someone gets close, wall them into you, by then you can throw down a second turret (probably) and the whole time you're shooting, too. I've had shitty early game, from time to time, going like 0 and 5. Then end game we win and I'm like 14 and 6 or something. She does have a very weak early game, and you have to play her very differently from other champs in that time, but still, she's got a lot of utility. That wall does work, when used correctly, even without it's final tier stun.

I don't know what you mean about the duration, because that's just not true. I rarely bother getting the duration items. But again, the stun of the wall isn't the point. It helps, sure, but it's not the reason her CC is so good. Her CC is so good because she can split teams and block people out or in. But if you don't know how to use her wall effectively, then you're going to have a bad time.

And even if I get denied farm early, honestly? I don't care. Because with her turrets I'll catch up and then surpass whoever blocked my farm early game. Again, her early game IS weak, yes... but it doesn't matter. I can throw a turret into neutrals, and then walk off to farm something else. I can have three neutral camps being worked at a time by mid game. So..... I don't care about the early game. Is it nice to farm well early? Of course it is, and I obviously try to. My point is simply that even if you happen to struggle early, it isn't going to matter by the end.

As I said it works only in specific parts of the map, for the rest, enemies can just dash into other rooms or around the corner as wast majority of places allow escape in 2-4 directons which results in turrets being everywhere but where enemy is, ofc there's minority of people that will choose to immediately attack me regardless of turrets but that was so far very few people, and even then once they get to low hp they start to run.

Her ult has min range of attack that makes it super risky for normal fights unless you're lagging behind team.

In comparison gun build has none of these problems.
If you aim straight up, her ult hits around her. Great for when people rush inside the normal ult range you mentioned.

you dont win matches by surviving, you win matches by taking objectives

mcginnis is THE "this is my objective now" character

gun mcginnis is pretty rough at that. She isnt really any better then any other character with a good gun, and arguably worse because of the windup on the gun.
spirit/turret mcginnis can 1 v 3 enemies and force them to leave or die.

which is where the dichotomy comes from.

"I can just leave!"
for the base defense mcginnis: oh noooo. you have me what i wanted!
for the "im in the enemy base mcginnis": where are you going to go exactly?

"well you cant escape as mcginnis!"
....whats the wall for lmao
and escape? if i have 5 turrets set up, do i need to? You arent there for kills, you are here to take the walker in 12 seconds or less
I always cackle when my buddy and I are playing and the enemy team ignores my McGinnis pushing into their base because they think they have time to rotate and stop me.

They do not. :devilish:

your two examples of mcginnis actually working are both end game situations where both patrons are weakened, which is like the last 5% of the game. there's another 95% of the game where the enemy just rotates to another objective or they gank you. the wall is not a run away option because you can't just magically block off every single path. it's not for escaping. plus you can just hop on the zipline to get over the wall, or play one of the heroes that can jump over it, or get majestic leap. of course this assumes that you're placing 100% perfect walls every time (you aren't). odds are the panic wall you placed to run away has a gap. unsurprisingly, split pushing is dangerous and you need to be fast to get away, that's why ivy is better at it.
If you can't use the wall to escape then you just need to practice more, honestly. Because I do it all the time. And you're assuming you're in a place that is under the enemy zip, which is a weird choice tactically. Honestly it just sounds like you don't know how to position or how to hit and run. With McGinnis if I'm split pushing or otherwise alone and vulnerable, I keep a turret charge at the ready and stay near my own zip and minions, always. If the enemy tries to rush me, it's wall, turret, byyyyye~
I don't know how to watch replays, but I've seen some people posting match IDs. The Match ID for the game that I mentioned above: 9305934

( if it helps ).

If you want to get good with walls, I recommend playing Paradox and using her "Time Wall" + "Paradoxical Swap" mechanic to shove people through your wall. You will develop environmental awareness playing her. She's probably my favourite character to play.
I don't know how to watch replays, but I've seen some people posting match IDs. The Match ID for the game that I mentioned above: 9305934

( if it helps ).

If you want to get good with walls, I recommend playing Paradox and using her "Time Wall" + "Paradoxical Swap" mechanic to shove people through your wall. You will develop environmental awareness playing her. She's probably my favourite character to play.
i went 16/2 against idiots yesterday. id: 8970533
the matchmaking is just bad. sometimes you stomp, sometimes you get stomped. that doesn't really negate problems with her design. i won because they just didn't know how to counter me. the game shouldn't be balanced around what works on noobs. mcginnis sucks when you're fighting anyone with their head on straight. you don't get to split push for free. you will always get harassed and targeted, because it's easy to do that to a mcginnis.
this is accurate

she DOES have a good gun: but if you only play into her gun, you will find she lags behind other characters whos guns are even better. ((bearing in mind of course, with enough gun items she WILL do just fine or even Excell) She is not a run and gun character.

But her kit is EXCELLENT for actually playing the moba elements of the game.

her wall is wide enough to fill a lane completely, edge to edge anywhere that isnt directly mid zone.
it blocks projectiles , beams, and movement
they have to spend resources ((move ment ability cooldowns, stamina, etc)) getting around the wall IF they can get around at all. ((which is routinly not the case, especially without superior stamina))
The turrets **hurt** and require significant investment to take down when you are at parity with someone for items.

Deadlock is a OBJECTIVES based game, not a DEATHMATCH
Killcount matters less then who has more walkers left on the field.
when you kill the entire team and they're on minute respawns, that actually does matter. in a game where you have characters like haze with team wipe ults, or abrams that can effectively one shot with a single ability from the very start of the game, or dynamo who can stunlock multiple players while damaging them all, mcginnis is weak. the only way she can do anything is if her team keeps the way more effective heroes off of her to give her space. she can't make space, and she can't run away. spending a stamina to get around the wall is not a big deal when mcginnis has less to begin with and is incredibly slow regardless. you're really overselling it's ability to block areas. the map is designed specifically to give players multiple sneaky ways other than the main entrance to any space. by playing mcginnis, you've already given up any ability to instantly deal high burst damage, stun, things that are essential for fights in this game. making her slow and squishy on top of that is just terrible. you kill with abilities in deadlock, you don't just shoot people. but that's really all mcginnis can do in the heat of the moment. you don't get to have your perfect sentry nest up at all times, the teamfight is always moving and one of your abilities is gonna be on cooldown at least. it's bad enough that mcginnis' ult is so useless. the turrets are stationary creeps until you max them out, but even then they'll typically have less than 1000 hp. they are only effective insofar as they are ignored by the enemy, because killing you is way more important. they don't kill, they're movement debuffs. even her heal is incredibly mediocre, it only heals like a quarter HP when you first get it. she doesn't have the best gun, she has no stun, she has no burst damage, her ult is one of the worst in the whole game, she's slow, she has the lowest health. all she has that's of any note is the wall, but that single ability does not make up for how mediocre the rest of her kit is, and even the wall is not the greatest thing since sliced bread like everyone thinks. just use your head and you can counter it. it's not that hard. it's an inanimate object that just sits there. the existence of the wall does not mean that mcginnis does not need a buff. having one good thing does not mean it's okay for the rest of her kit to suck, and it does. and why should mcginnis simply be a wall placing bot? can't this hero have a bit more depth and variety? you should not have to run from fights all the time.
I feel like the slow effect on turrets should be tweaked a bit. Because with how many turrets she can manage to throw down, it's ridiculous that it slows you down that much and so early on. Maybe it could go to a gradual increase in slow with sustained fire on a target? Like what if the turret did 5% per hit stacking up to 25%? That way it's not overly oppressive so early into the game
I feel like the slow effect on turrets should be tweaked a bit. Because with how many turrets she can manage to throw down, it's ridiculous that it slows you down that much and so early on. Maybe it could go to a gradual increase in slow with sustained fire on a target? Like what if the turret did 5% per hit stacking up to 25%? That way it's not overly oppressive so early into the game
just buy debuff reducer. her turrets have the same hp as creeps early game, farm them for free souls. the only thing they're good for is that debuff
when you kill the entire team and they're on minute respawns, that actually does matter. in a game where you have characters like haze with team wipe ults, or abrams that can effectively one shot with a single ability from the very start of the game, or dynamo who can stunlock multiple players while damaging them all, mcginnis is weak. the only way she can do anything is if her team keeps the way more effective heroes off of her to give her space. she can't make space, and she can't run away. spending a stamina to get around the wall is not a big deal when mcginnis has less to begin with and is incredibly slow regardless. you're really overselling it's ability to block areas. the map is designed specifically to give players multiple sneaky ways other than the main entrance to any space. by playing mcginnis, you've already given up any ability to instantly deal high burst damage, stun, things that are essential for fights in this game. making her slow and squishy on top of that is just terrible. you kill with abilities in deadlock, you don't just shoot people. but that's really all mcginnis can do in the heat of the moment. you don't get to have your perfect sentry nest up at all times, the teamfight is always moving and one of your abilities is gonna be on cooldown at least. it's bad enough that mcginnis' ult is so useless. the turrets are stationary creeps until you max them out, but even then they'll typically have less than 1000 hp. they are only effective insofar as they are ignored by the enemy, because killing you is way more important. they don't kill, they're movement debuffs. even her heal is incredibly mediocre, it only heals like a quarter HP when you first get it. she doesn't have the best gun, she has no stun, she has no burst damage, her ult is one of the worst in the whole game, she's slow, she has the lowest health. all she has that's of any note is the wall, but that single ability does not make up for how mediocre the rest of her kit is, and even the wall is not the greatest thing since sliced bread like everyone thinks. just use your head and you can counter it. it's not that hard. it's an inanimate object that just sits there. the existence of the wall does not mean that mcginnis does not need a buff. having one good thing does not mean it's okay for the rest of her kit to suck, and it does. and why should mcginnis simply be a wall placing bot? can't this hero have a bit more depth and variety? you should not have to run from fights all the time.
do me a favor, you jump wildly between different thoughts, please segment your ideas into different paragraphs.

my dyslexia is killing me trying to read this
The wall stuns late game, sure, but it seperates teams and traps people from the start. Throw down a turret, someone gets close, wall them into you, by then you can throw down a second turret (probably) and the whole time you're shooting, too. I've had shitty early game, from time to time, going like 0 and 5. Then end game we win and I'm like 14 and 6 or something. She does have a very weak early game, and you have to play her very differently from other champs in that time, but still, she's got a lot of utility. That wall does work, when used correctly, even without it's final tier stun.

On the narrow topic of the wall stun, I would like to add just the fact that it stuns does wonders against Haze ult, seven ult, dynamo ult and etc. Merely being able to cancel those abilities on cooldown is invaluable even if the stun was even less
On the narrow topic of the wall stun, I would like to add just the fact that it stuns does wonders against Haze ult, seven ult, dynamo ult and etc. Merely being able to cancel those abilities on cooldown is invaluable even if the stun was even less
And even without the stun, you can still shut down ults just by blocking the damage. Seven/Haze/Bebop are ulting? Cool. Have fun ulting behind my wall while my team waits out the duration. :3