Why interrupting ability item is in a bad state in Deadlock


Interrupting ability items, such as Knockdown and Curse, are critical tools that provide crowd control (CC) in Deadlock, but their current design presents significant problems. There are two key areas of concern:

Do Crowd Control (CC) abilities belong in a shooter like Deadlock?

In a fast-paced shooter, CC can disrupt the natural flow of combat by taking control away from players, which can be frustrating. While CC abilities can add tactical depth, in Deadlock, they often feel intrusive. Instead of rewarding skillful play, they hinder momentum by removing agency from the target, which is crucial in a shooter where precision and speed are key. Unlike traditional shooters, Deadlock relies on a balance of strategy and combat, but introducing CC abilities may undermine the fluidity of combat, leading to frustrations rather than enhancing tactical options.

Do these items fit well with the game's build system?

In Deadlock, players are limited to four Spirit item slots, forcing them to make strategic choices about their build (Discounting the four obtainable flex slots). For players who prefer to focus on Spirit Items, interrupting items like Knockdown or Curse can feel like an unwelcome sacrifice. They occupy a valuable slot that could otherwise be used for synergistic items that complement a player's chosen playstyle. This restricts build diversity and can make CC items feel more like a burden than a beneficial choice. The cost of using these items is too high, given the limited inventory space, which ultimately discourages their use, especially for players focused on optimizing their Spirit-based builds.

IMO, while CC abilities may or may not belong in a tactical shooter like Deadlock, their current implementation feels intrusive and detrimental to build diversity. Their placement in the item slot system forces players into tough choices, reducing overall gameplay satisfaction and flexibility.

I hope we can have a healthy discussion around this topic.
Interrupting ability items, such as Knockdown and Curse, are critical tools that provide crowd control (CC) in Deadlock, but their current design presents significant problems. There are two key areas of concern:

Do Crowd Control (CC) abilities belong in a shooter like Deadlock?

In a fast-paced shooter, CC can disrupt the natural flow of combat by taking control away from players, which can be frustrating. While CC abilities can add tactical depth, in Deadlock, they often feel intrusive. Instead of rewarding skillful play, they hinder momentum by removing agency from the target, which is crucial in a shooter where precision and speed are key. Unlike traditional shooters, Deadlock relies on a balance of strategy and combat, but introducing CC abilities may undermine the fluidity of combat, leading to frustrations rather than enhancing tactical options.

Do these items fit well with the game's build system?

In Deadlock, players are limited to four Spirit item slots, forcing them to make strategic choices about their build (Discounting the four obtainable flex slots). For players who prefer to focus on Spirit Items, interrupting items like Knockdown or Curse can feel like an unwelcome sacrifice. They occupy a valuable slot that could otherwise be used for synergistic items that complement a player's chosen playstyle. This restricts build diversity and can make CC items feel more like a burden than a beneficial choice. The cost of using these items is too high, given the limited inventory space, which ultimately discourages their use, especially for players focused on optimizing their Spirit-based builds.

IMO, while CC abilities may or may not belong in a tactical shooter like Deadlock, their current implementation feels intrusive and detrimental to build diversity. Their placement in the item slot system forces players into tough choices, reducing overall gameplay satisfaction and flexibility.

I hope we can have a healthy discussion around this topic.
Hey, this is a really well laid out post and I would hate for it to go to waste. This forum is for submitting community ideas for new items, not to give feedback on current items. You should definitely take this post over to the feedback forums and submit it! Good luck!