whole match red dot, very bad hit reg


New member
EU sto server, match id 180700 - this is not the only match, it happened many times
reconnecting, game restarting doesn't help
fps 70-120
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to =[A:1:1985026054:29688], handle #3107176611 (1002 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_USER)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #3107176611 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @  (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #3107176611 (userdata 0)
[Networking] Summary of connection [#3107176611 SDR server steamid:90199503521519622 vport 0 'server']:
[Networking]     End-to-end connection: connected
[Networking]         Remote host is in data center 'sto'
[Networking]         Current rates:
[Networking]             Sent:  60.0 pkts/sec  10.5 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:  67.6 pkts/sec  63.1 K/sec
[Networking]             Ping:33ms    Max latency variance: 5.3ms
[Networking]             Quality:  100%  (Dropped:0.00%  WeirdSeq:0.00%)
[Networking]             Est avail bandwidth: 976.6KB/s
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:     42,988 pkts      11,721,226 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:     86,373 pkts      80,474,310 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv w seq:     86,372 pkts
[Networking]                 Dropped   :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OutOfOrder:          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OOOFixed  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 Duplicate :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 SeqLurch  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]             Ping histogram: (41536 total samples)
[Networking]                      0-25    25-50    50-75   75-100  100-125  125-150  150-200  200-300     300+
[Networking]                         0    41535        1        0        0        0        0        0        0
[Networking]                      0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
[Networking]             Ping distribution:
[Networking]                 5th   50th   75th   95th   98th
[Networking]                34ms   34ms   34ms   36ms   38ms
[Networking]             Connection quality histogram: (143 measurement intervals)
[Networking]                 perfect    99+  97-99  95-97  90-95  75-90  50-75    <50   dead
[Networking]                     143      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
[Networking]                  100.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
[Networking]             Connection quality distribution:
[Networking]               50th  25th   5th   2nd
[Networking]               100%  100%  100%  100%
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram: (47786 total measurements)
[Networking]                       <1     1-2     2-5    5-10   10-20     >20
[Networking]                    37360    5785    3663     838     140       0
[Networking]                    78.2%   12.1%    7.7%    1.8%    0.3%    0.0%
[Networking]         Rate stats received from remote host 14.5s ago:
[Networking]             Sent:  72.9 pkts/sec  63.1 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:  59.8 pkts/sec  11.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Ping:33ms    Max latency variance: 0.3ms
[Networking]             Quality:  100%  (Dropped:0.00%  WeirdSeq:0.00%)
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats received from remote host 116.0s ago:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:     71,328 pkts      64,766,976 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:     36,023 pkts      10,131,456 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv w seq:     36,022 pkts
[Networking]                 Dropped   :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OutOfOrder:          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OOOFixed  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 Duplicate :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 SeqLurch  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]             Ping histogram: (33706 total samples)
[Networking]                      0-25    25-50    50-75   75-100  100-125  125-150  150-200  200-300     300+
[Networking]                         0    33706        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
[Networking]                      0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
[Networking]             Ping distribution:
[Networking]                 5th   50th   75th   95th   98th
[Networking]                34ms   34ms   34ms   35ms   36ms
[Networking]             Connection quality histogram: (119 measurement intervals)
[Networking]                 perfect    99+  97-99  95-97  90-95  75-90  50-75    <50   dead
[Networking]                     119      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
[Networking]                  100.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
[Networking]             Connection quality distribution:
[Networking]               50th  25th   5th   2nd
[Networking]               100%  100%  100%  100%
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram: (36015 total measurements)
[Networking]                       <1     1-2     2-5    5-10   10-20     >20
[Networking]                    35982      17       6       9       1       0
[Networking]                    99.9%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%
[Networking]     Primary router: sto2#456 (  Ping = 33+0=33 (front+back=total)
[Networking]         Current rates:
[Networking]             Sent:  60.1 pkts/sec  11.3 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:  65.1 pkts/sec  61.5 K/sec
[Networking]             Ping:33ms    Max latency variance: 3.0ms
[Networking]             Quality:  100%  (Dropped:0.00%  WeirdSeq:0.00%)
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:     42,988 pkts      12,197,993 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:     86,376 pkts      80,474,375 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv w seq:     86,375 pkts
[Networking]                 Dropped   :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OutOfOrder:          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OOOFixed  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 Duplicate :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 SeqLurch  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]             Ping histogram: (147 total samples)
[Networking]                      0-25    25-50    50-75   75-100  100-125  125-150  150-200  200-300     300+
[Networking]                         0      147        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
[Networking]                      0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
[Networking]             Ping distribution:
[Networking]                 5th   50th   75th   95th   98th
[Networking]                33ms   33ms   34ms   37ms   38ms
[Networking]             Connection quality histogram: (129 measurement intervals)
[Networking]                 perfect    99+  97-99  95-97  90-95  75-90  50-75    <50   dead
[Networking]                     129      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
[Networking]                  100.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
[Networking]             Connection quality distribution:
[Networking]               50th  25th   5th   2nd
[Networking]               100%  100%  100%  100%
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram: (47443 total measurements)
[Networking]                       <1     1-2     2-5    5-10   10-20     >20
[Networking]                    37059    5762    3657     827     138       0
[Networking]                    78.1%   12.1%    7.7%    1.7%    0.3%    0.0%
[Networking]         Rate stats received from remote host 14.5s ago:
[Networking]             Sent: 169.3 pkts/sec 171.0 K/sec
[Networking]             Recv:  60.4 pkts/sec  15.6 K/sec
[Networking]             Ping:33ms    Max latency variance: 0.3ms
[Networking]             Quality:  100%  (Dropped:0.00%  WeirdSeq:0.00%)
[Networking]             Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking]         Lifetime stats received from remote host 116.0s ago:
[Networking]             Totals
[Networking]                 Sent:     71,335 pkts      65,571,840 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv:     36,026 pkts      10,132,480 bytes
[Networking]                 Recv w seq:     36,024 pkts
[Networking]                 Dropped   :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OutOfOrder:          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 OOOFixed  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 Duplicate :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]                 SeqLurch  :          0 pkts   0.00%
[Networking]             Ping histogram: (124 total samples)
[Networking]                      0-25    25-50    50-75   75-100  100-125  125-150  150-200  200-300     300+
[Networking]                         0      124        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
[Networking]                      0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
[Networking]             Ping distribution:
[Networking]                 5th   50th   75th   95th   98th
[Networking]                33ms   33ms   34ms   35ms   37ms
[Networking]             Connection quality histogram: (119 measurement intervals)
[Networking]                 perfect    99+  97-99  95-97  90-95  75-90  50-75    <50   dead
[Networking]                     119      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
[Networking]                  100.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
[Networking]             Connection quality distribution:
[Networking]               50th  25th   5th   2nd
[Networking]               100%  100%  100%  100%
[Networking]             Latency variance histogram: (36017 total measurements)
[Networking]                       <1     1-2     2-5    5-10   10-20     >20
[Networking]                    35985      16       6       9       1       0
[Networking]                    99.9%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%
[Networking]     Backup router: sto#110 (  Ping = 40+0=40 (front+back=total)
[SteamNetSockets] [#3107176611 SDR server steamid:90199503521519622 vport 0 'server'] closed by app, linger requested but not needed (1002) NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_USER
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for =[A:1:1985026054:29688], handle #3107176611
I have no issues on CS2 `sto` servers
caught the permanent red dot again
lines like this keep appearing in the console
[Client] 17510:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 34 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(19029.337891 1824.000000 368.500000)
[Client] 17510:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 35 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(16383.968750 19456.000000 368.500000)
[Client] 17527:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 35 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(20138.671875 1920.000000 351.200012)
[Client] 17527:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -2 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(16383.968750 -18901.330078 351.200012)
[Client] 17525:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell -2 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-18517.332031 1920.000000 351.200012)
[Client] 17525:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell -1 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-16384.000000 -18176.003906 351.200012)
[Client] 17453:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellY cell 34 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(-3925.333984 18858.667969 368.500000)
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72330
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72570
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72571
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72702
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72726
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72833
[CL CommandQueue] CQ: Server set re-sync at cmd 72834

after Alt+tab (fullscreen mode) there is a huge input delay for several seconds
Server is reporting is received command 75345 on tick 83342 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75346 on tick 83343 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75347 on tick 83344 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75348 on tick 83345 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75349 on tick 83346 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75351 on tick 83348 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Assert] C:\buildworker\citadel_staging_win64\build\src\engine2\networkgameclient.cpp (1149) : AssertMsg Failed in function CNetworkGameClient::ProcessUserCommandRecvMargin():
Server is reporting is received command 75353 on tick 83350 (history), but we don't have a timestamp when we sent that
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
[Prediction] CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands
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