Red Dot Rubber Banding Possible Packetloss


New member
Every 15 seconds or so, I get moderately bad rubber banding, very noticeable during melee, sliding or walljumping. Looking for some advice of things I could try to resolve this as I have not been able to play for a week and I am missing Deadlock :'(. More details below:

Ping and FPS look ok throughout, but a red dot appears in the lower right. No issues in any other online games, and I have not had any issues with deadlock prior to this (200 hours played). Happening immediately following the patch on the 21st of November.

Troubleshooting tried with no success:

Giving priority in task manager.
Adding to windows defender exclusion list.
Changing server from EU to Asia.
Changing from wired to wireless and back.
Uninstalling and reinstalling
Verifying game files through Steam.
Updating graphics drivers.
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