watcher wick (vision type active item)

Muck Maiden

New member
I think the game would benefit from a ward adjacent item, especially with how easy and powerful playing off map is. I know this isn't an unheard of sentiment, but I figured that if more people said it, it would get more attention. That being said, here's my attempt at such an item.

Watcher wick
[ Spirit ] [ 1,250 ]
+4 spirit power
+1.5 Health regen
(the stats are just a guess, don't think too hard about them)
Active (35 second cool-down. Placing one destroys the previous candle)
Places a candle at the targeted location. [no walls/ceilings] The candle is visible to all players, has a health value
similar to a trooper, and can be destroyed for the same soul value (including the floating soul)

Enemies entering the radius of the candle will see an eye icon appear over their character. The eye will open
over the course of (1.25) seconds, revealing them on the mini map when fully open. Revealed enemies will
continue to be revealed until they leave the candle's radius or until the candle is destroyed. The edge of the
candle's radius is visible when inside of it.
(again the exact numbers are a rough guess so don't get too hung up on them)

What do you think? Would you want this kind of item in the game? Are there any changes you'd want to see?