Warden in last game using fire rate/reload bug to shoot extremely fast


Active member
  • Match ID: 248,559
  • Player: Warden
Warden was somehow able to fire at extremely fast rate without buying any real items for it (like 8 shots per second with only 14% Fire Rate bonus). He said it was because "Warden fire rate scales with Spirit now". Something feels off.

EDIT: Further testing in the practice range shows that Warden with these items is able to reload (like 0.1 seconds) and double shoot extremely fast. I think it's related to Ammo Scavenger somehow, but I'm not sure. The same item build on other heroes didn't work, just Warden. Here's a clip:

View attachment Deadlock_1258612026431766528.mp4

EDITEDIT: Guess it's intended.


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I was also in this game, I just watched the replay, at 23 min you can see he no longer takes anytime to reload, they are all instant. He then goes back to the shop and experiments until he gets an insanely fast fire rate at 24 min.
Was also in the game; the 0 reload time and ~0 time between shots meant that he was uncontrollable. "Reload time scales with spirit" should not equal "infinite shots per second". The player was clearly exploiting some item/ scaling interactions to win. Ruined the game for us.
Unintended interaction possibly. Valve dev responded in the other thread above 2 weeks ago and apparently didn't think it was a big enough issue to get it fixed.
this looks like such an obvious exploit. holding 2 buttons down to get infinite ammo and game breaking fire rate... but i guess they did reply to it so maybe im wrong. to me personally, that is the clearest example of a deadlock exploit that ive ever seen.