Re-clicking M1 to Fire After Using M1 Abilities+Items


New member
Something I noticed while playing Ivy was that I would throw a Kudzu with M1 and hold it down to continue firing as soon as I'm able, only for her to not shoot and quickly having to re-click to have her start again.
Doing some testing this is the case with all abilities and items that are activated with M1. Vindicta's tether, Paradox's pulse bomb, Lash's Ult and items like Alchemic Fire and Healing Rite.

I'm just curious on whether this is intentional or not since most abilities and projectiles allow you to set them off while continuing to fire afterwards. I imagine it might be to not accidentally waste ammo after casting something like Healing Rite but personally I think it might feel more intuitive to let the player continue firing with the same M1 click. Perhaps it could stay this way specifically for Vitality items.
Bumping this as it applies to many other abilities such as mo and krill 2 (click and hold m1 while he is underground and he wont fire after you spin), same for his 4, same with dyanmo's 4 and im sure many others. I would expect holding M1 to always result in shooting at the soonest possible time
Along this line of thought, I would also like some alternative casting options for targeted items, like using the button its bound to as confirmation, or a quickcast like setting (button down = start casting, button up = cast)
To add to this, I think a win-win in terms of skill expression (+ not wasting mystic shot) and ease of use is a medium length delay after using a m1 skill before resuming weapon firing.

Edit - I did some testing and it seems they have updated the game to include this behavior for most character abilities, just not active items (yet?)

Edit 2 - It seems to be pretty inconsistent which abilities work this way. No items work this way (my complaint). Only some character abilities do (seven stun, warden root) but others do not (wraith stun, geist drain)

Edit 3 - Oh, warden and seven (and some others) actually use quick cast. It's actually totally different. Quick cast (or smart cast) for all abilities and items would be my preferred solution.
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This only seems to happen when using quick cast and not when using insta cast. Would like to see this changed so it keeps shooting even when using quick cast