Vitality: Lose speed, gain HP


New member
I'd like an item that takes move speed but boosts health, so here's a few concepts. I think this is the type of item you'd take in the late game, so I've statted them all around the idea of them being either T3 or T4 items. I gave all items boosts to ability range and weapon damage to compensate for the lost mobility, but intentionally excluded spirit boosts for reasons I explain in each item.

Item 1: (Tier 3)
  • Can no longer sprint.
  • +100 base health per m/s of sprint speed lost
  • +5% Ability Range
  • +10% Weapon Damage
I like this concept the most since it also gives you some ability to synergize it with other items. One example is that healing rite's temporary +2 m/s sprint speed gets converted into a temporary 200 HP buff. I don't want to put the boost too high because of Bebop (starts with 3.5 sprint speed) and Wraith (sprint speed boosted by spirit), who also benefit from the boosts to range and damage. Geist, Lash, and Warden also start with higher than standard sprint speed, but it's lower than Bebop and doesn't scale like Wraith.

I wanted to check to make sure the numbers for Bebop and Wraith weren't too crazy, so here's a reference table. I also calculated the values if they had boundless spirit, since it gives the strongest boost to sprint speed and spirit.
HeroBebop (Base)Bebop (With Boundless Spirit)Wraith (Base)Wraith (With Boundless Spirit)
Health buff from +100/sprint350550100786
Health buff from +125/sprint437.5687.5125982.5
Health buff from +150/sprint5258251501179
Wraith's sprint speed scaling with spirit makes her the scariest to combo with this, but she'd have to invest in spirit rather than gun to get super tanky off this, so an unkillable Wraith with a death beam gun isn't *that* much of a concern.

Item 2: (Tier 3)
  • -1 m/s move speed
  • +250 base health
  • +5% Ability Range
  • +10% Weapon Damage
More straightforward, with it increasing weapon damage and ability range a bit to compensate for the lost speed. It does not increase spirit because that would indirectly buff self-heals, and I think that might be too strong for a T3 when combined with the HP boost.

Item 3: (Tier 4)
  • -2 stamina
  • +500 base health
  • +10% Ability Range
  • +15% Weapon Damage
  • +10 Spirit Power
I wanted to propose 3 options, so here's one that eats your stamina. This one's kinda insane, stupid, and not as thought out. I think losing stamina is a more extreme loss than -1m/s move speed, so it fits the T4s more than the T3s. Because of that, I ramped its stat buffs up and gave it a spirit power boost too.
A note on Item 1's synergy with Ammo Scavenger:
It'd give you +200 HP conditionally (+332 for Wraith). Extra Health, which costs the same, gives you a constant +170 HP boost. That seems balanced, since it's a higher but conditional HP boost. Moving the boost lower than 100/sprint would make it a useless synergy, while moving it higher would make Wraith too tanky.