Item Idea: Doohickey


Active member
Tier 1 Spirit Item

+1 m/s Sprint Speed
+8% Spirit Resist


Throw a wind-up Doohickey that remains at a Target Point for a Duration. It locks on to the nearest enemy and after an Arm Time runs at them then Explodes on Contact. Explosion deals Damage. If you use an ability within the Cast Range during the Arm Time, you Bypass 30% of the Arm Time. Can be Shot by Enemies at any point to Destroy it.

Cast Range: 30m
Doohickey Duration: 20s
Doohickey Health: 100 (+1x Spirit Power)
Lock-On Range: 15m
Arm Time: 4s
Doohickey Run Speed: 140% Your Sprint Speed
Explosion Radius: 10m
Damage: 40 (+4x Spirit Power)
So it can be bought on lane and used to harass someone or deny their lasthits. Also with your numbers it scales too well and will be used to clear lanes without hero presence. Too good for its worth.
yeah admittedly i snuck some crazy damage potential in there just to see if anyone would visualize what that would look like
Counter offer:
Doohickey doesn't do damage, it has an AoE debuff like firerate slow. Throw it at someone, it runs around and annoys them but is harmless on its own. If you don't follow it in, they can just quickly shoot it to death.

Makes it a "help me win this fight I might not be able to on my own" but only when you actually use it to maintain a skirmish. A bit like the tradeoff of shooting McGinnis turrets vs the hero herself.