Item Idea - Divine Sanctuary


New member
Only one of those should be implimented if any but not both.
Idea 1: Budget Version:

Tier: 3 Vitality
Cost: 4.250 (Base Cost); Made from Divine Barrier, so 1.250 + 3.000

+1m/s Sprint Speed
+100 Bonus Health
+10% Ability Range

Active: Cooldown 40 sec
Provide yourself and nearby allies with Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed.
320 Bullet Shield
320 Spirit Shield
+2m/s Move Speed
8s Duration
30m radius

Idea 2: Premium Version:

Tier: 4 Vitality
Cost: 7.450 (Base Cost); Made from Divine Barrier, so 1.250 + 6.200

+2m/s Sprint Speed
+150 Bonus Health
+10% Ability Range

Active: Cooldown 50 sec
Provide yourself and nearby allies with Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed.
560 Bullet Shield
560 Spirit Shield
+2m/s Move Speed
10s Duration
35m radius

Not having an upgrade for Divine Barrier makes it feel less worth in the late game as there could be a better item to be had for such a slot.
Having a dedicated support item like this upgraded barrier makes it feel worthwhile and more like similar items like Pipe of Insight in Dota 2.

Alternatively it could be an item that also includes Healing Nova but as it is right now there are only single-upgrade items and not multi-item combinations, so I will leave it at a simple upgrade.