Viscous ultimate visual bug (obvious with proof)


New member
After latest patch after ulti Viscous can stay in big ball while ulti isn`t active, you can run, shoot, all stuff. It means 1/4 of the screen isn`t visible. Death won`t fix it. New ulti will fix it but not every time. Photos and videos are here.


It just happened to me in my game as well. If you end your ult early it will start the bug again, but using it for the entire duration will prevent it from happening. The animation from the ult ending doesn't load properly either if this bug occurs. Nobody else can see it on their end.

I also noticed the camera did not zoom out properly during my ult, and camera remained zoomed out after the ult ended.

Match ID 14731756 if it helps
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I can confirm this bug too. It only started happening to me about an hour ago but it happened two matches in a row and now when I go to test him in sandbox mode it is happening every time I use my alt.