Vindicta/Grey Talon flight interaction with Bebop's Exploding Uppercut.


New member
Matchid: 9278449
Time: 22:16

Apparently if you fly as Vindicta/Grey Talon right after Bebop uses Exploding Uppercut on you, you get stuck with 0 air acceleration for a long time.
You have to use your flight while midair after getting hit by Bebop's ability. You're unable to move in any direction, except you seem to be able to move down with CTRL as Vindicta. Double dashing down as Grey Talon while in flight might also unlock him. It seems like their flight abilities do not remove Bebop's Uppercut air acceleration debuff after casting.

I have attached 3 clips that show the interaction. I am trying to press every key possible to move, but to no avail.

