Been thinking about some various item ideas lately, trying to come up with some stuff that either adds new effects to the game or uses aspects of the game that are already there which aren't being taken advantage of with items yet.
None of the numbers are mostly based on feelings rather than any deep concern for balance, some might not be powerful enough numbers wise or some may be too powerful, but the main consideration here was the actual effects of the items.
I also don't really pay too much attention to other ideas posted on this forum so apologies if I've accidentally "stolen" anyone's ideas
Piercing Bullets - Weapon - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15% Weapon Damage
+10% Weapon Fall-off Range
Passive: Your bullets pass through enemies and partially ignore bullet resist
Pierce amount: 2 (can hit two targets behind the first person you hit)
Bullet Resist Ignore: 50% (eg. If an enemy has 20% bullet resist, your bullets ignore 10% of the damage reduction as if they only had 10% resistance)
Bullet Resist reduction per target hit: 10% (This may or may not be necessary, but incase the passive was too powerul then for each target the bullet passes through the resist ignore gets slightly lower)
This item would help with jungling as most camps you would be able to line up your shots to hit more than one enemy, it also helps against tankier enemies who build bullet resistance and potentially pairs well with abilities that disable multiple enemies, giving you time to line up a shot.
The only problem is that this could potentially step on Ricochet's toes abit, but I feel like the bullet resist ignore is a good enough reason for this to exist.
Spectral Bullets - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+5 Spirit Power
+10% Ammo
Passive: Your bullets deal additional spirit damage and alter their trajectory mid-flight to where your reticle is pointing
+5 spirit damage per bullet
The turn speed of bullets would scale with bullet velocity, allowing you to potentially shoot bullets slightly around corners or to help hit moving targets at longer ranges as you could keep your reticle on the target to guide the bullets in that direction, or potentially help those who have a bit of trouble leading their shots with weapons that fire slow projectiles
Soul Lining - Vitality - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Bullet Resist
+5% Soul Resist
+50 Bonus Health
Passive (8s cooldown): When off cooldown, completely block all damage from the next instance of damage you receive
For the most part this would just be an overall survivability item, but would have the benefit of sometimes protecting you from big damage spikes like a Vindicta taking potshots at you with her ult
Reactive Vest - Vitality - Tier 3 - 3,000S - Component: Soul Lining
+20% Bullet Resist
+20% Soul Resist
+200 Bonus Health
Passive (8s cooldown): When off cooldown completely block and reflect all damage (before reductions) from the next instance of damage you receive
Reflected Damage Bonus: 50%
Mostly the same considerations as it's component but with the addition of damage being reflected and amplified
Teleporter Pass - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+50 Bonus Health
+10 Spirit Power
Passive (30s cooldown): Teleport time is reduced by 50% and you gain bonus movement speed and spirit power for 10s after teleporting
Bonus Movement Speed: +3 m/s
Bonus Spirit Power: 20
The idea behind this was to create an item that at first glance looks like something to help you escape via teleporters, but could also be used to take advantage of the teleports to gank other lanes
Conduction Gauntlets - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+10% Weapon Damage
+15% Ammmo
+1 Movement Speed (Conditional: When on the rail)
Passive (10s Cooldown): Travelling on the rail causes heat to build up in your gauntlets, giving you bonus fire rate and melee damage
1 stack per 20m on the rail
5 max stacks
Duration per Stack: 2 Seconds
Bonus Fire Rate per Stack: 15%
Bonus Melee Damage per Stack: 5%
The idea behind this item was to create something that uses the guard rails in some way, so it didn't take much to come up with the idea of something that uses the friction of the rail to build up energy to improve your melee and weapon DPS
Gorgon Eyes - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15 Spirit Power
+5 Health Regen
Active (60s Cooldown): Throw a projectile at an enemy that petrifies it and turns it into stone, making it unable to move or use abilities/items whilst also being immune to damage and stunning enemies in an AoE when it hits the ground if airborne
Stone Form Duration 3s
Landing Stun AoE: 5m
Landing Stun Duration: 2s
A very basic item idea that would allow you to momentarily take a tough enemy out of the fight or use an airborne enemy to your advantage to stun their team
Hangman's Noose - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+10% Spirit Resist
+5 Spirit Power
Passive: When holding onto a rope, gain invisibility and bonus health regen when staying stationary for 2 seconds, the buff persists for 5 seconds after leaving the rope
Invisibility Spot Radius: 10m
Bonus Health Regen: 5
This item is to give some more function to the ropes you can climb, you'd be able to hold still on them to go invisible for a potential ambush or to get a quick regen when you'e low
Grip Boots - Vitality - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+1 Stamina
+10% Stamina Recovery
+20% Jump Height
Passive: You can now Walljump multiple times but each Walljump after the first costs Stamina
This is another item made to take advantage of another recently added feature, the wall jump, allowing you to climb walls vertically or jump between walls at the cost of stamina
Exorcism Ritual - Spirit - Tier 4 - 6,300S
+30% Spirit Lifsesteal
+30 Spirit Power
Active (5s Cooldown): Channel a ritual that silences and damages all enemy heroes in an AoE around you at the cost of draining health per second, cannot use abilities or items whilst channeling
Ritual AoE: Either 5m or 10m
Damage per second whilst Channeling: 40 + (0.25 * Spirit)
Health Drain per second whilst Channeling (non-lethal): 15 + (0.2 * Spirit)
Movement Slow whilst Channeling: 20%
Wanted to create an item that was powerful and cost health to use, but could be mitigated with lifesteal in the right situations, could work well with tanky heroes that want to go for more of a spirit build
Crown of Penitence - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+12% Weapon Damage
+25% Headshot Damage Resistance
Passive: Denying a soul deals damage to yourself but gives you a stacking regeneration buff (Denies reset the buff duration)
Deny Self-damage (non-lethal): 20
Health Regeneration per Stack: 5
Maximum Stacks: 5
Buff Duration: 5 seconds
This item was created to add a bit more risk-reward to denies where overall they heal you slightly but at the cost of some upfront damage, as well as adding a form of headshot resistance,
None of the numbers are mostly based on feelings rather than any deep concern for balance, some might not be powerful enough numbers wise or some may be too powerful, but the main consideration here was the actual effects of the items.
I also don't really pay too much attention to other ideas posted on this forum so apologies if I've accidentally "stolen" anyone's ideas
Piercing Bullets - Weapon - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15% Weapon Damage
+10% Weapon Fall-off Range
Passive: Your bullets pass through enemies and partially ignore bullet resist
Pierce amount: 2 (can hit two targets behind the first person you hit)
Bullet Resist Ignore: 50% (eg. If an enemy has 20% bullet resist, your bullets ignore 10% of the damage reduction as if they only had 10% resistance)
Bullet Resist reduction per target hit: 10% (This may or may not be necessary, but incase the passive was too powerul then for each target the bullet passes through the resist ignore gets slightly lower)
This item would help with jungling as most camps you would be able to line up your shots to hit more than one enemy, it also helps against tankier enemies who build bullet resistance and potentially pairs well with abilities that disable multiple enemies, giving you time to line up a shot.
The only problem is that this could potentially step on Ricochet's toes abit, but I feel like the bullet resist ignore is a good enough reason for this to exist.
Spectral Bullets - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+5 Spirit Power
+10% Ammo
Passive: Your bullets deal additional spirit damage and alter their trajectory mid-flight to where your reticle is pointing
+5 spirit damage per bullet
The turn speed of bullets would scale with bullet velocity, allowing you to potentially shoot bullets slightly around corners or to help hit moving targets at longer ranges as you could keep your reticle on the target to guide the bullets in that direction, or potentially help those who have a bit of trouble leading their shots with weapons that fire slow projectiles
Soul Lining - Vitality - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Bullet Resist
+5% Soul Resist
+50 Bonus Health
Passive (8s cooldown): When off cooldown, completely block all damage from the next instance of damage you receive
For the most part this would just be an overall survivability item, but would have the benefit of sometimes protecting you from big damage spikes like a Vindicta taking potshots at you with her ult
Reactive Vest - Vitality - Tier 3 - 3,000S - Component: Soul Lining
+20% Bullet Resist
+20% Soul Resist
+200 Bonus Health
Passive (8s cooldown): When off cooldown completely block and reflect all damage (before reductions) from the next instance of damage you receive
Reflected Damage Bonus: 50%
Mostly the same considerations as it's component but with the addition of damage being reflected and amplified
Teleporter Pass - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+50 Bonus Health
+10 Spirit Power
Passive (30s cooldown): Teleport time is reduced by 50% and you gain bonus movement speed and spirit power for 10s after teleporting
Bonus Movement Speed: +3 m/s
Bonus Spirit Power: 20
The idea behind this was to create an item that at first glance looks like something to help you escape via teleporters, but could also be used to take advantage of the teleports to gank other lanes
Conduction Gauntlets - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+10% Weapon Damage
+15% Ammmo
+1 Movement Speed (Conditional: When on the rail)
Passive (10s Cooldown): Travelling on the rail causes heat to build up in your gauntlets, giving you bonus fire rate and melee damage
1 stack per 20m on the rail
5 max stacks
Duration per Stack: 2 Seconds
Bonus Fire Rate per Stack: 15%
Bonus Melee Damage per Stack: 5%
The idea behind this item was to create something that uses the guard rails in some way, so it didn't take much to come up with the idea of something that uses the friction of the rail to build up energy to improve your melee and weapon DPS
Gorgon Eyes - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15 Spirit Power
+5 Health Regen
Active (60s Cooldown): Throw a projectile at an enemy that petrifies it and turns it into stone, making it unable to move or use abilities/items whilst also being immune to damage and stunning enemies in an AoE when it hits the ground if airborne
Stone Form Duration 3s
Landing Stun AoE: 5m
Landing Stun Duration: 2s
A very basic item idea that would allow you to momentarily take a tough enemy out of the fight or use an airborne enemy to your advantage to stun their team
Hangman's Noose - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+10% Spirit Resist
+5 Spirit Power
Passive: When holding onto a rope, gain invisibility and bonus health regen when staying stationary for 2 seconds, the buff persists for 5 seconds after leaving the rope
Invisibility Spot Radius: 10m
Bonus Health Regen: 5
This item is to give some more function to the ropes you can climb, you'd be able to hold still on them to go invisible for a potential ambush or to get a quick regen when you'e low
Grip Boots - Vitality - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+1 Stamina
+10% Stamina Recovery
+20% Jump Height
Passive: You can now Walljump multiple times but each Walljump after the first costs Stamina
This is another item made to take advantage of another recently added feature, the wall jump, allowing you to climb walls vertically or jump between walls at the cost of stamina
Exorcism Ritual - Spirit - Tier 4 - 6,300S
+30% Spirit Lifsesteal
+30 Spirit Power
Active (5s Cooldown): Channel a ritual that silences and damages all enemy heroes in an AoE around you at the cost of draining health per second, cannot use abilities or items whilst channeling
Ritual AoE: Either 5m or 10m
Damage per second whilst Channeling: 40 + (0.25 * Spirit)
Health Drain per second whilst Channeling (non-lethal): 15 + (0.2 * Spirit)
Movement Slow whilst Channeling: 20%
Wanted to create an item that was powerful and cost health to use, but could be mitigated with lifesteal in the right situations, could work well with tanky heroes that want to go for more of a spirit build
Crown of Penitence - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+12% Weapon Damage
+25% Headshot Damage Resistance
Passive: Denying a soul deals damage to yourself but gives you a stacking regeneration buff (Denies reset the buff duration)
Deny Self-damage (non-lethal): 20
Health Regeneration per Stack: 5
Maximum Stacks: 5
Buff Duration: 5 seconds
This item was created to add a bit more risk-reward to denies where overall they heal you slightly but at the cost of some upfront damage, as well as adding a form of headshot resistance,
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