Uprising 1750 spirit upgrade of monster rounds


Active member
Costs 1750
Upgrade of Monster Rounds
+50 bonus health
+2 regen
+30% weapon damage to NPCs,
-30% damage from NPCs
When you kill troopers they become ghost troopers on your side, which do not give souls when killed.
Fun idea, not sure how powerfull this is, but definitelly fun ). On the other hand i hate split pushers, and this item is a split pushers dream, so much bodies to tank for walkers. Maybe make it an active that gains charges on NPCs killed and summons helpers based on the amount of charges. These will be some kind of a new creature, preferably flying and following you arround, and maybe standing in place while shooting, so that they can be killed more easily. Make them deal less dmg to objectives, and be at lower attack priority than everything else(So that they can`t be used to tank for you, i think McGinis turets have this) and it will be great. It will also make "Heroic Aura" more usefull.
Fun idea, not sure how powerfull this is, but definitelly fun ). On the other hand i hate split pushers, and this item is a split pushers dream, so much bodies to tank for walkers. Maybe make it an active that gains charges on NPCs killed and summons helpers based on the amount of charges. These will be some kind of a new creature, preferably flying and following you arround, and maybe standing in place while shooting, so that they can be killed more easily. Make them deal less dmg to objectives, and be at lower attack priority than everything else(So that they can`t be used to tank for you, i think McGinis turets have this) and it will be great. It will also make "Heroic Aura" more usefull.
It could be ghost troopers, just flying and with a diffent AI, i wrote that and then just realised the easy way out XD
Costs 1750
Upgrade of Monster Rounds
+50 bonus health
+2 regen
+30% weapon damage to NPCs,
-30% damage from NPCs
When you kill troopers they become ghost troopers on your side, which do not give souls when killed.
Do these ghost work with heroic aura? If so, this would be nasty for a split pushing build where you convert whole waves to your side and then also rush them down a lane with aura.
Do these ghost work with heroic aura? If so, this would be nasty for a split pushing build where you convert whole waves to your side and then also rush them down a lane with aura.
That is exactly why i proposed a rework, i hate split push meta in dota. It takes all the fun out of the game when you are just ignoring you opponent and ratting buildings for the win.
That is exactly why i proposed a rework, i hate split push meta in dota. It takes all the fun out of the game when you are just ignoring you opponent and ratting buildings for the win.
I agree, its one of my biggest feedbacks to the 4 lane map. Its far too easy to snowball a game by split pushing constantly. Rarely do i see full 6 man team fights. its usually a skirm of 3-5 and 1-2 splitting.

On top of this, lower ranks will suffer from this more because they dont understand the macro difference and get mad at someone like me simultaneously covering 3 lanes from being split non stop and not being at the 4v5 they lost at that also took them 3 minutes to complete then over chased to their walkers.

3 lanes is already complex enough. I would rather have 3 lanes and more neutral objectives to team fight over and change it to 2 duo lanes (outside) 1 solo lane (mid) and 1 roamer (jungle) with clearly defined timers for several different natural objectives that are more than just simple buffs/runes.
That is exactly why i proposed a rework, i hate split push meta in dota. It takes all the fun out of the game when you are just ignoring you opponent and ratting buildings for the win.
Dude how could you hate split push? I am split push the player. I am literally split pushing no matter who I play because my teammates don't do it.