Unstoppable Changes


New member
In league of legends there's an item called QSS (Quicksilver Sash) or the ability cleanse, they're used to remove CC from yourself. You can cast these during the CC to interrupt it unlike Unstoppable. Unstoppable makes you immune from CC for 6 seconds but can only be cast before it. Mo and Krill has a nearly 4 second point and click stun that to my knowledge can't be interrupted without a teammate. Mo and Krill is also a tank so if I use Unstoppable most of the time I can't even kill Mo before it ends. Am I the only one having this problem with heavy CC. I keep getting matches where I feel no counter play to Mo, Dynamo, and Wraith's heavy CC. Would Unstoppable being able to interrupt during the cast be a change for the better? Options like Debuff Reducer and Ethereal Shift seem like the main counter play but, Ethereal Shift stops you from moving for 3.5s to let the enemies get into position and Debuff Reducer still can let you get chain CC. I am just use to an item like QSS and think it could benefit the game in some way.
A lot of deadlock's item influence is lifted from Dota, and in Dota there are VERY few abilities that let you just break out of CC yourself (none of them are from items) there are plenty of dispell items but they have to be used by other teammates who aren't disabled by CC, and for good reason too.

If there was an item that just let you break out of CC anytime you wanted it'd very quickly make CC pointless in the late game if everyone can just buy it. The point of Unstoppable (deadlock's version of Black King Bar) is the ability to predict enemy CC and time it against them. I doubt Valve will ever add an item that breaks you out of CC and imo they shouldn't.
I would much rather have the developers properly balance all crowd control, over adding items to mitigate them. Smite has an item that cleanses crowd control, and it became so prominent that they changed it into a core ability for every character and thus balanced the game around it. It speaks volumes of how poor the balancing gets when you need CC cleanse in every match.