Unreleased Character Tokamak and how to transition them into Deadlock

So im a big fan of the Tokamaks kit, and think they would be very fun to play in Deadlock, but they are obviously based around Neon Prime being a robot and all. With that being said, what are the options to transition them into deadlock? We already have a robot character in Bebop so they exist, but I think taking the character in a different direction could also be appropriate. With all this being said, here is my take on Tokamaks kit by changing them into something akin to a Cthulu acolyte based around madness.

Sophia Eyrie, hero name Eyrie


(yes this was made with ai, my drawing skills suck)


As a child, Sophia was a peculiar girl. Her grandmother raised her up in accordance with the Sleeper, a forgotten god. She taught Sophia the ancient rituals, the forgotten chants, and the secrets of harnessing the power of madness for spells. Sophia's connection to the Sleeper deepened. She felt a pull towards him, an inexplicable bond that drew her closer to the forgotten god. As she learned more about the Sleeper's plight, her resolve to free him grew stronger.

With the Great Awakening sweeping across America, Sophia saw an opportunity. New York City, with its bustling energy and diverse population, was the perfect place to call upon the patrons, the powerful beings who could aid in the Sleeper's release. Leaving her beloved village behind, Sophia journeyed to the city.

As she grew closer to her mission, She began to experience visions, glimpses of the forgotten god's imprisonment and the potential for his liberation. These visions fueled her determination, but they also brought with them a sense of foreboding. She knew that the Sleeper's release would not be easy, and that there would be consequences. Even with this knowledge she was determined to free him from his chains, to restore his power, and to usher in a new age of the supernatural. But she also knew that this would be the greatest challenge of her life, and show her unwavering devotion to the forgotten god.


Auto Attack: Heat power is now madness. Each shot fills the madness bar until it reaches 100%. Upon reaching 100% you can no longer fire and need to reload.

Hot shot is now Eldritch Corruption: Fire a stream of eldritch flame towards your cursor that burns flesh and soul. Deals more damage when your madness bar is filled.

Dying Star is now Cosmic Collapse: You channel cosmic energies as you throw yourself at the targetted location, with the energies bursting as you land.

Blinding Radiance is now Gaze of the Abyss: You turn yourself into an illusion of a forgotten monstrosity, dealing damage to players who look at you.

Pulse Cannon is now Mind Blast: You channel for a short duration targeting players within your reticle, and after fully charging you fire a mind blast at each target.