Two UI related bugs with Lady Geist Life Drain


Active member
1. There is an icon indicating you can cancel this ability with space bar but it doesn't appear to do anything.

2. The 3rd upgrade for Life Drain refers to "EMP" which I believe should be "Silenced" due to the purple aura it creates. However, it also doesn't show the Silence icon that other silencing abilities do. Paradox's Time Wall also refers to "EMP", however it properly shows the Silence icon above the enemy.
Responding as a precaution in the off-chance #1 was presumed resolved at a later point in time.

It seems you cannot cancel Lady Geist's Life Drain nor does a keybind appear to cancel it. I verified this occurred for me both in Sandbox and in a Private Bot Match. I have attached clips below showing both. Additionally, I went through every other character in the roster and tested their abilities to see if I could replicate the issue on them. I could not replicate the issue on any other character.

Edit: Forgot to note I am utilizing the Default Keybinds. As such, the spacebar should cancel it. I attempted to set my controls as Default again, but the issue persisted still. Once servers are up, I'll play a round and replicate the issue w/ a match ID as requested.


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