Trip wire (trap based vision item)


New member
500 gold active item with low stats

40~ sec cd 2-3 charges
1~ sec to place the trap

Place a small trap on a wall which sends an invisible laser wire in a single direction until it hits a wall or maximum range if an enemy touches the wire they will take minor damage be revealed (highlighted through walls) and slowed for for 5 seconds
traps last until they are tripped maximum of 3 traps placed per player

Could be used to trap the enemy jungle to gank people or placed to make your lane harder to gank or even guard objectives from being snuck , ideally the wall trap part is visible but hard to see to so if your paying attention you can go over/under around the wire

expertly crafted approximation
I like the idea but not as an item. I kinda like the idea of a hero focused on making traps. Planting tripwires all across the map that bind, slow and deals damage and maybe even planting them ziplines
Vision really isn't that important in this game. You're visible on the map of you so much as think about standing near a lane and there's no fog of war, you can spot enemy heroes from a mile away.

A character or item that makes traps would be cool though. Bring back techies volvo.
Vision really isn't that important in this game. You're visible on the map of you so much as think about standing near a lane and there's no fog of war, you can spot enemy heroes from a mile away.

A character or item that makes traps would be cool though. Bring back techies volvo.
I do agree but what if this hero has some kind of “sun strike”/air strike, that now that you’ve slowed/stuck and can see them on map your ult opens the map and let you choose a strike where you want and after two seconds it hits that place. That “map hack” like vision and or being marked/pinged on the map would work for that ult