New member
Unfortunately no art assets cause I can't art.
So here's my absolute cringe idea for a more immobile, slower paced and traditional Sniper compared to the two we have now that just fly around like annoying mosquitoes.
Identifiably Female by the sound of her voice, not much else is known about this being.
She skulks the nights, calling herself Night Owl as she goes hunting people and monsters alike of her choosing and putting a magical bullet in either one. It seems she acts as a vigilante and sometimes even a bounty hunter as she hunts wanted men or monsters and when doing vigilantism for it’s own sake she often leaves the body-- pocked and almost mutilated with glowing blue, varying sized holes ranging from baseball to basketball sized-- from the advanced "magi-tech" Sniper Rifle she wields that bears an arcane, magical core that enhances regular bullets it fires with magic. Of course she also leaves the body with evidence of the target’s wrongdoings.
In all truth, the rifle is simply a way of challenging herself, for not much else can. Using a blade would actually make it all far too easy. Limiting herself to the playbook of a Sniper allows her to challenge herself in playing around the rifle itself while also able to take it easier in terms of physical exertion. Testing her aim and her mind more than anything else.
She hunts in an oversized, puffy blue coat, and a silver owl mask with glowing blue eyes. Many often imagine a more intimidating picture based on these details...up until they're told this inescapable vigilante is only 4 feet tall and sounds like a little girl with a flat, deadpan tone of voice when she speaks as her attire has her likened to a tiny but incredibly bulky little “owlbear”. Though it's all laughs and games until you're the one she hunts next.
Unknownst to all, she is a cross-breed between the equivalent of an Outer Realm Dwarf and a Dark Elf. A dwarf-sized girl with elf-like ears, fair skin and long, white hair. Her Father was the Dwarf, her Mother was the Dark Elf, brought together by their shared disdain of Nature-based Elves, shared interest in arcane craftsmanship and her Mother simply liking the cut of the Dwarf’s jib in the aftermath of a bar brawl the two once had. Dwarfs in more medieval environments were already capable of mind boggling arcane technologies and craftsmanship. Put them into a more modern industrial setting and what do you get? Something far more beyond human imagination to put it simply. Night Owl is no different, her magical sniper rifle being one of her crowning achievements-- even if she's not as good with it as she is with a melee weapon.
So what are her motivations for joining the battle of the Patrons despite having all she wants in life to the point she challenges herself by using a weapon she's explicitly bad with? The Ritual is simply a way to conclude her self imposed challenge-- to prove she is capable of achieving anything she wants no matter what. As then finally she can get back to her more preferred weapons and look for other challenges in the wake of the impending Maelstrom that will follow the summoning of a Patron.
A veritable enigma who's subtle implications leave massive questions of incredible gravities she will likely never answer.
A lot of this is open to criticism, but any that compromise the fantasy TOO MUCH would likely just be ignored.
Her rifle deals Spirit Damage, but scales with Gun Damage. It procs Bullet Damage and Spirit Damage effects like Mystic Slow and Glass Cannon– but not Bullet Lifesteal. The Spirit Damage benefits from %Amp effects like Spellslinger Headshots and Escalating Vulnerability.
The rifle has a much larger fall off range, hitting it’s minimum damage only at ~75 meters, but her minimum damage is only 50% of her maximum damage rather than a mere fraction at it’s maximum range. Her rifle is notably slower firing than even Vindicta’s or Grey Talon's weapons as at the beginning of the game she has Fire Rate more comparable to the attack speed of Sniper from Dota 2. Her attack speed also scales similarly with items as Sniper from Dota 2 does. Her zoom in brings up a sniper scope overlay.
Night Owl is a girl of prepared defenses consisting of inhibiting traps and vision control. Without these traps or at least a solid frontline things tend to get much messier and more difficult as she only has one direct escape that cannot always be relied upon due to it's limited, premeditated functionality-- and even then, more savvy and mobile enemies will simply read where it has taken her and continue to run her down anyway and her rifle's slow rate of fire makes her underwhelming at close ranges unless she has already whittled you down from afar before you got close.
When all else fails there’s the trump card up her sleeve, the ultimate trick for a Sniper– making you second guess your target before engaging so that she can land the first shot.
Weapon: Unequaled, Unrivaled

(Something like this, in the fact that it's visually based on the SVD platform since it was made in around the 1950s-- which Deadlock seems to be in. Otherwise it'd just be an advanced looking "magi-tech" rifle to capitalize on the ingenuity and craftsmanship she has as a half-Dwarf, with either it's deep sapphire blue "mana core" visible in some way or not)
Max Base HP: ~1700
Base Damage Per Bullet: 40 (due to the comparatively VERY slow attack speed compared to other characters)
Base Bullets Per Second: 0.8
Base Magazine Size: 15
Special Scalings: Fire Rate increases by 1% per 1 Point of Spirit Power
Ability Duration increases by 0.5% per 1 Point of Spirit Power
First Ability - Maelstrom Mines: Throw a trap that triggers upon an enemy stepping into a certain radius of it’s center. The trap roots any targets in it’s radius for 2 seconds and unleashes a maelstrom of mana in a slightly wider radius than the activation radius. The maelstrom does Spirit Damage over time and slows enemies by 25%, the slow lingers for 1.5 seconds after leaving the radius. The maelstrom lasts 10 seconds. Heroes are pulled slightly towards it’s center but can leave the radius relatively easily, but minions are pulled even faster and cannot escape. Traps last for 5 minutes and have a 30 second base cooldown. Damage scales with Spirit Damage. Spirit Build basically plays like Techies/Teemo where you just place mines everywhere.
1st Upgrade: +1 Extra Charge and -10 seconds on cooldown
2nd Upgrade: +Damage
3rd Upgrade: Wider Maelstrom Radius (but not wider trigger radius) and +0.5 seconds added to the Root
Second Ability - Multi-Ward: Fire a projectile at a surface that transforms into a type of ward. Buttons 1 through 3 let you select what type of Ward you will deploy before clicking Mouse 1. The 4 button de-selects the Ability. All 3 Ward types last 5 minutes but can be shot out by enemies. Each ward only grants 10 Souls on destruction and gives no extra soul orbs. A trajectory preview will be visible before deploying all 3 ward types, Tripwire will show which direction it’s beam will face, Surveillance and Recall will show the area it will cover. This ability has charges but can only gain more from Items.
Tripwire Ward; The ward creates a laser tripwire with a maximum range of 15 meters. The Tripwire heavily slows and reveals enemies through walls and cosmic veils and has a 5 second cooldown before it can reveal someone else. Enemies revealed by the Tripwire are revealed for 5 seconds and shots fired at them within a cone of your crosshair home in and hit enemies (non-headshots-- unless your shot would have been a headshot regardless due to your own aim) automatically for 10 seconds (but cover and exiting line of sight even if your crosshair would be over them still blocks bullets). Not visible unless within 2-3 meters of it.
Surveillance Ward; Place a ward that is not visible outside of a certain range and only appears on minimap if in someone’s direct line of sight. It automatically spots enemies within a 25 meter radius and shows them on the minimap and automatically pings them on the map while also causing your Hero to say "I see X". Visible if you are within 15 meters of it.
Recall Ward: Places a Ward that allows you to teleport to it if within a certain distance of it. (Mouse 3 for as long as the ward is active) (50 meters) This ward expires prematurely upon teleportation and is visible from any distance. You will be notified if an enemy destroys your Recall Ward.
1st Upgrade: Wards require 2 shots to be destroyed with the same HP rules between the two hits as McGinnis’ turrets.
2nd Upgrade: All 3 wards have +10 meter ranges.
3rd Upgrade: Lower cooldown
Third Ability - Discharge (Passive): Every shot has a 30% chance to proc extra Spirit Damage, this damage counts as a Headshot for certain item effects and converts any bonus damage from Headshot items into Spirit Damage. This proc briefly slows the target by 80% for 0.75 seconds and grants 25% Fire Rate for 5 seconds. Discharge proc attacks have no range fall-off. This ability can be imbued with effects like Quicksilver Reload, Surge of Power, Mystic Reverb, etc. They will all proc upon Discharge (Quicksilver will proc the damage on the Discharge that triggered it).
Proccing Discharge on an NPC grants 1 permanent “Honing” stack. Proccing Discharge on a Hero grants 2 stacks.
Every stack increases Discharge’s on-proc damage bonus by 0.5%. Base Discharge proc damage is 10% (working much like Lucky Shot) and scales infinitely. This passive cannot be upgraded.
Instead, at certain milestones of stacks you also gain special bonuses;
50 stacks: Discharge proc chance increased to 40% Discharge also gives you a brief, but strong movement speed boost for 1 second.
100 stacks: Fire Rate increase upon proc increased to 40%.
150 stacks: All fired bullets have a slight magnetism effect, turning very-near misses into hits (think like how shooting works in Halo Infinite). Slow duration increased to 1.25 seconds.
200 stacks: Gain a second double jump and air dash, Spirit Power scaling on your Movement Speed and Jump Height. Every 50 Spirit Power grants you 1 Stamina– up to a maximum of 2 extra.
250 stacks: Once per 50 seconds, summoning a clone with Illusory Twins will grant you a one-time hard CC immunity that lasts until expended but does not stack. This CC immunity causes a visible effect but clones imitate this effect as well to throw off targeting.
Fourth Ability (Ultimate) - Illusory Twins: Summon an illusory copy of yourself that is semi-autonomous in the fact that it wanders relatively close to you on it’s own– never leaving a certain radius of you– and attacking nearby lane minions and heroes automatically unless you are crouched. The clone is indistinguishable from yourself apart from the inability to use abilities. The clone takes increased damage and does not miss, but only deals 25% of your damage and triggers item effects like Lucky Shot’s damage + slow and even Spirit items like Mystic Slow-- as the clone also copies your inventory to proc items for itself with the same overall damage penalty. More than one clone can exist.
The clone focuses the last hero or jungle mob you hit but will not leave your side to chase the target. Hold this ability button to order the clone to run down the nearest lane, acting like an ordinary lane minion and pushing for you. Clone has an un-alterable 50 meter attack range but will get closer if needed due to things like Guardians/Walkers. Extra Charges gives you more than one clone but holding the ability button only issues the order to a single clone. Holding it again recalls the clone to your side. Clones last 30 seconds and have a cooldown of 80 seconds. This ability can gain extra charges from items.
1st Upgrade: -20 second cooldown
2nd Upgrade: +10% clone damage
3rd Upgrade: You can now press 1 after pressing 4 to enter Stealth for 10 seconds, leaving a clone behind that does not follow you and attacks nearby enemies while fleeing to the nearest allied structure (Guardian/Walker) while returning fire on the nearest enemy to put up a semi convincing facade. If no enemy heroes are nearby, the clone simply attacks nearby lane minions and walks down the lane like a normal minion but can be recalled the same way other clones can be. For the first 3 seconds, proximity and damage does not reveal you, after those 3 seconds you have a 20 meter visibility radius and flicker into sight from damage.
Example End Game Build:
- Ricochet (your main farm and wave clear item since attack speed is too slow for Tesla Bullets and since Discharge procs can also Ricochet.)
- Titanic Magazine
- Burst Fire
- Sharpshooter
- Healbane
- Inhibitor
- Leech
- Siphon Bullets
- Mystic Vulnerability (upgrade into Escalating Exposure later)
- Improved Burst
- Mystic Slow (or swap it out for Boundless Spirit/Rapid Recharge if you don't need the extra slow to hit targets)
- Mystic Reverb
- Glass Cannon
- Headhunter
- Frenzy
- Spiritual Overflow (50% buildup per shot due to her comparatively slow attack speed)
So here's my absolute cringe idea for a more immobile, slower paced and traditional Sniper compared to the two we have now that just fly around like annoying mosquitoes.
Identifiably Female by the sound of her voice, not much else is known about this being.
She skulks the nights, calling herself Night Owl as she goes hunting people and monsters alike of her choosing and putting a magical bullet in either one. It seems she acts as a vigilante and sometimes even a bounty hunter as she hunts wanted men or monsters and when doing vigilantism for it’s own sake she often leaves the body-- pocked and almost mutilated with glowing blue, varying sized holes ranging from baseball to basketball sized-- from the advanced "magi-tech" Sniper Rifle she wields that bears an arcane, magical core that enhances regular bullets it fires with magic. Of course she also leaves the body with evidence of the target’s wrongdoings.
In all truth, the rifle is simply a way of challenging herself, for not much else can. Using a blade would actually make it all far too easy. Limiting herself to the playbook of a Sniper allows her to challenge herself in playing around the rifle itself while also able to take it easier in terms of physical exertion. Testing her aim and her mind more than anything else.
She hunts in an oversized, puffy blue coat, and a silver owl mask with glowing blue eyes. Many often imagine a more intimidating picture based on these details...up until they're told this inescapable vigilante is only 4 feet tall and sounds like a little girl with a flat, deadpan tone of voice when she speaks as her attire has her likened to a tiny but incredibly bulky little “owlbear”. Though it's all laughs and games until you're the one she hunts next.
Unknownst to all, she is a cross-breed between the equivalent of an Outer Realm Dwarf and a Dark Elf. A dwarf-sized girl with elf-like ears, fair skin and long, white hair. Her Father was the Dwarf, her Mother was the Dark Elf, brought together by their shared disdain of Nature-based Elves, shared interest in arcane craftsmanship and her Mother simply liking the cut of the Dwarf’s jib in the aftermath of a bar brawl the two once had. Dwarfs in more medieval environments were already capable of mind boggling arcane technologies and craftsmanship. Put them into a more modern industrial setting and what do you get? Something far more beyond human imagination to put it simply. Night Owl is no different, her magical sniper rifle being one of her crowning achievements-- even if she's not as good with it as she is with a melee weapon.
So what are her motivations for joining the battle of the Patrons despite having all she wants in life to the point she challenges herself by using a weapon she's explicitly bad with? The Ritual is simply a way to conclude her self imposed challenge-- to prove she is capable of achieving anything she wants no matter what. As then finally she can get back to her more preferred weapons and look for other challenges in the wake of the impending Maelstrom that will follow the summoning of a Patron.
A veritable enigma who's subtle implications leave massive questions of incredible gravities she will likely never answer.
A lot of this is open to criticism, but any that compromise the fantasy TOO MUCH would likely just be ignored.
Her rifle deals Spirit Damage, but scales with Gun Damage. It procs Bullet Damage and Spirit Damage effects like Mystic Slow and Glass Cannon– but not Bullet Lifesteal. The Spirit Damage benefits from %Amp effects like Spellslinger Headshots and Escalating Vulnerability.
The rifle has a much larger fall off range, hitting it’s minimum damage only at ~75 meters, but her minimum damage is only 50% of her maximum damage rather than a mere fraction at it’s maximum range. Her rifle is notably slower firing than even Vindicta’s or Grey Talon's weapons as at the beginning of the game she has Fire Rate more comparable to the attack speed of Sniper from Dota 2. Her attack speed also scales similarly with items as Sniper from Dota 2 does. Her zoom in brings up a sniper scope overlay.
Night Owl is a girl of prepared defenses consisting of inhibiting traps and vision control. Without these traps or at least a solid frontline things tend to get much messier and more difficult as she only has one direct escape that cannot always be relied upon due to it's limited, premeditated functionality-- and even then, more savvy and mobile enemies will simply read where it has taken her and continue to run her down anyway and her rifle's slow rate of fire makes her underwhelming at close ranges unless she has already whittled you down from afar before you got close.
When all else fails there’s the trump card up her sleeve, the ultimate trick for a Sniper– making you second guess your target before engaging so that she can land the first shot.
Weapon: Unequaled, Unrivaled

(Something like this, in the fact that it's visually based on the SVD platform since it was made in around the 1950s-- which Deadlock seems to be in. Otherwise it'd just be an advanced looking "magi-tech" rifle to capitalize on the ingenuity and craftsmanship she has as a half-Dwarf, with either it's deep sapphire blue "mana core" visible in some way or not)
Max Base HP: ~1700
Base Damage Per Bullet: 40 (due to the comparatively VERY slow attack speed compared to other characters)
Base Bullets Per Second: 0.8
Base Magazine Size: 15
Special Scalings: Fire Rate increases by 1% per 1 Point of Spirit Power
Ability Duration increases by 0.5% per 1 Point of Spirit Power
First Ability - Maelstrom Mines: Throw a trap that triggers upon an enemy stepping into a certain radius of it’s center. The trap roots any targets in it’s radius for 2 seconds and unleashes a maelstrom of mana in a slightly wider radius than the activation radius. The maelstrom does Spirit Damage over time and slows enemies by 25%, the slow lingers for 1.5 seconds after leaving the radius. The maelstrom lasts 10 seconds. Heroes are pulled slightly towards it’s center but can leave the radius relatively easily, but minions are pulled even faster and cannot escape. Traps last for 5 minutes and have a 30 second base cooldown. Damage scales with Spirit Damage. Spirit Build basically plays like Techies/Teemo where you just place mines everywhere.
1st Upgrade: +1 Extra Charge and -10 seconds on cooldown
2nd Upgrade: +Damage
3rd Upgrade: Wider Maelstrom Radius (but not wider trigger radius) and +0.5 seconds added to the Root
Second Ability - Multi-Ward: Fire a projectile at a surface that transforms into a type of ward. Buttons 1 through 3 let you select what type of Ward you will deploy before clicking Mouse 1. The 4 button de-selects the Ability. All 3 Ward types last 5 minutes but can be shot out by enemies. Each ward only grants 10 Souls on destruction and gives no extra soul orbs. A trajectory preview will be visible before deploying all 3 ward types, Tripwire will show which direction it’s beam will face, Surveillance and Recall will show the area it will cover. This ability has charges but can only gain more from Items.
Tripwire Ward; The ward creates a laser tripwire with a maximum range of 15 meters. The Tripwire heavily slows and reveals enemies through walls and cosmic veils and has a 5 second cooldown before it can reveal someone else. Enemies revealed by the Tripwire are revealed for 5 seconds and shots fired at them within a cone of your crosshair home in and hit enemies (non-headshots-- unless your shot would have been a headshot regardless due to your own aim) automatically for 10 seconds (but cover and exiting line of sight even if your crosshair would be over them still blocks bullets). Not visible unless within 2-3 meters of it.
Surveillance Ward; Place a ward that is not visible outside of a certain range and only appears on minimap if in someone’s direct line of sight. It automatically spots enemies within a 25 meter radius and shows them on the minimap and automatically pings them on the map while also causing your Hero to say "I see X". Visible if you are within 15 meters of it.
Recall Ward: Places a Ward that allows you to teleport to it if within a certain distance of it. (Mouse 3 for as long as the ward is active) (50 meters) This ward expires prematurely upon teleportation and is visible from any distance. You will be notified if an enemy destroys your Recall Ward.
1st Upgrade: Wards require 2 shots to be destroyed with the same HP rules between the two hits as McGinnis’ turrets.
2nd Upgrade: All 3 wards have +10 meter ranges.
3rd Upgrade: Lower cooldown
Third Ability - Discharge (Passive): Every shot has a 30% chance to proc extra Spirit Damage, this damage counts as a Headshot for certain item effects and converts any bonus damage from Headshot items into Spirit Damage. This proc briefly slows the target by 80% for 0.75 seconds and grants 25% Fire Rate for 5 seconds. Discharge proc attacks have no range fall-off. This ability can be imbued with effects like Quicksilver Reload, Surge of Power, Mystic Reverb, etc. They will all proc upon Discharge (Quicksilver will proc the damage on the Discharge that triggered it).
Proccing Discharge on an NPC grants 1 permanent “Honing” stack. Proccing Discharge on a Hero grants 2 stacks.
Every stack increases Discharge’s on-proc damage bonus by 0.5%. Base Discharge proc damage is 10% (working much like Lucky Shot) and scales infinitely. This passive cannot be upgraded.
Instead, at certain milestones of stacks you also gain special bonuses;
50 stacks: Discharge proc chance increased to 40% Discharge also gives you a brief, but strong movement speed boost for 1 second.
100 stacks: Fire Rate increase upon proc increased to 40%.
150 stacks: All fired bullets have a slight magnetism effect, turning very-near misses into hits (think like how shooting works in Halo Infinite). Slow duration increased to 1.25 seconds.
200 stacks: Gain a second double jump and air dash, Spirit Power scaling on your Movement Speed and Jump Height. Every 50 Spirit Power grants you 1 Stamina– up to a maximum of 2 extra.
250 stacks: Once per 50 seconds, summoning a clone with Illusory Twins will grant you a one-time hard CC immunity that lasts until expended but does not stack. This CC immunity causes a visible effect but clones imitate this effect as well to throw off targeting.
Fourth Ability (Ultimate) - Illusory Twins: Summon an illusory copy of yourself that is semi-autonomous in the fact that it wanders relatively close to you on it’s own– never leaving a certain radius of you– and attacking nearby lane minions and heroes automatically unless you are crouched. The clone is indistinguishable from yourself apart from the inability to use abilities. The clone takes increased damage and does not miss, but only deals 25% of your damage and triggers item effects like Lucky Shot’s damage + slow and even Spirit items like Mystic Slow-- as the clone also copies your inventory to proc items for itself with the same overall damage penalty. More than one clone can exist.
The clone focuses the last hero or jungle mob you hit but will not leave your side to chase the target. Hold this ability button to order the clone to run down the nearest lane, acting like an ordinary lane minion and pushing for you. Clone has an un-alterable 50 meter attack range but will get closer if needed due to things like Guardians/Walkers. Extra Charges gives you more than one clone but holding the ability button only issues the order to a single clone. Holding it again recalls the clone to your side. Clones last 30 seconds and have a cooldown of 80 seconds. This ability can gain extra charges from items.
1st Upgrade: -20 second cooldown
2nd Upgrade: +10% clone damage
3rd Upgrade: You can now press 1 after pressing 4 to enter Stealth for 10 seconds, leaving a clone behind that does not follow you and attacks nearby enemies while fleeing to the nearest allied structure (Guardian/Walker) while returning fire on the nearest enemy to put up a semi convincing facade. If no enemy heroes are nearby, the clone simply attacks nearby lane minions and walks down the lane like a normal minion but can be recalled the same way other clones can be. For the first 3 seconds, proximity and damage does not reveal you, after those 3 seconds you have a 20 meter visibility radius and flicker into sight from damage.
Example End Game Build:
- Ricochet (your main farm and wave clear item since attack speed is too slow for Tesla Bullets and since Discharge procs can also Ricochet.)
- Titanic Magazine
- Burst Fire
- Sharpshooter
- Healbane
- Inhibitor
- Leech
- Siphon Bullets
- Mystic Vulnerability (upgrade into Escalating Exposure later)
- Improved Burst
- Mystic Slow (or swap it out for Boundless Spirit/Rapid Recharge if you don't need the extra slow to hit targets)
- Mystic Reverb
- Glass Cannon
- Headhunter
- Frenzy
- Spiritual Overflow (50% buildup per shot due to her comparatively slow attack speed)
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